There is no book like God’s Book. Whether you are a spiritual baby or a mature saint, God’s Word applies to you! The Word of God has sanctifying power in the life of the believer. In Psalm 119:9-16, we see that God’s Word has the authority to sanctify the soul and enable one to walk […]
An Analysis of John 4:20-24 – Worshiping in Spirit and Truth
INTRODUCTION The purpose of all creation is to worship the true and living God in a way that he has commanded. The New Testament makes it clear that God is seeking worshippers who will worship him “in spirit and truth” (John 4:24) – but what does that mean? This paper seeks to analyze John 4:20-24 […]
The Doctrine of Providence And Its Practical Application In The Christian Life
INTRODUCTION It was C. H. Spurgeon, the Prince of Preachers, who once said that “the Sovereignty of God is the pillow upon which the child of God rests his head at night, giving perfect peace.” To know that God is completely in control of all things is the greatest comfort for the Christian. This paper […]
On Contentment
I write this not as a commander surveying the field of battle, but as a soldier in the thick of the conflict. Contentment is something which the soul so desperately desires, and yet the flesh so eagerly rejects. The Spirit needs the sustenance of the Lord, while the flesh desires the sustenance of this world. […]
A Saint’s Desire
“I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far.” – Phil. 1:23 Many of us struggle to find purpose in this life. Underlying this search for purpose is a deep desire for fulfillment. Consumerism has taken hold of this truth and utilized it for profit. […]