“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” – Matthew 7v13-14 There are many today […]
The Promise is Coming: Commentary on Genesis 50v22-26
Well we come to the end of Genesis, much like we come to the end of life – with death. Genesis concludes by wrapping up Joseph’s life, telling us that he stayed in Egypt, living to 110 years, seeing many grandchildren, giving instructions about his death, and dying. We often remember people […]
There Again: Feasting in Famine – Commentary on Genesis 43
In Genesis 43 there are three overarching themes that will guide our consideration of this passage: the famine grows in severity, the brothers grow in honesty, and Joseph grows in mercy. The Famine Grows in Severity In the last chapter we noted how God uses means to accomplish his purposes; and sometimes those means are […]
Joseph’s Brothers: There and Back Again – Commentary on Genesis 42
In this passage there are three themes that will consider: God strikes the land with famine, God strikes Joseph with tenderness, and God strikes the brothers with guilt. God Strikes the Land with Famine In the opening verses of Genesis 42 we are met by Jacob and his sons back in Canaan. The famine has […]
Psalm 131
The more the Christian matures in Christ, the more humble and childlike their faith becomes. In Psalm 131 the Psalmist confesses a simple and humble trust in His God. David is the author, but the circumstances of this Psalm are not readily apparent. However, David confesses his childlike trust in the Lord and urges others […]