Dear Mr. Speaker,
As a Missouri citizen and a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, I am calling upon you to take immediate emergency action to end abortion in the state of Missouri by referring House Bill 2285 to the Children and Families Committee for an emergency hearing. As you know, HB 2285 abolishes abortion in the state of Missouri.
Upon referral to committee, I hereby call upon the Missouri House of Representatives to come together for an emergency hearing of this bill, and continue passing this bill through the process to be signed urgently into law.
What does abortion have to do with COVID-19? Everything. It is the height of arrogance and humanism to assume that this disease, and it’s hysteria, is not judgment from almighty God upon our land. For too long we have spit upon Christ and His Law, thinking we have no need of Him, and trusting in our own man made idols of independence from God. Our land reeks with the foul stench of immorality covered up with the blood of murdered babies. It is the perfume of hell.
For too long, supposedly civilized men and women in expensive suits have acted as if regulating the murder of children in their mother’s womb isn’t barbaric, uncivilized, idol worship. God has judged our land in many ways (including with abortion itself), and we have no reason to believe it will relent until we are wiped off the face of the earth, or we fall to our knees in true repentance of our wickedness. Pious pro-life speech without urgent action is vile hypocrisy and we can see right through it. But more importantly, so does the Living God of Heaven and Earth.
It would be too easy to let this bill die in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. But that would be a great mistake. COVID-19 is the wake up call we need to move us to action. Ignoring the warning signs only makes things worse. Jonah had to be thrown overboard for the storm to stop raging. We can’t be spared judgment by holding on to our idols. They must be thrown overboard.
There are things worse than this disease. The death rate of abortion is 100%. And the death rate of a rebel sinner standing before a Holy God is 100%. If we are serious about preserving innocent life the first thing we would do is abolish the legality of such a killer as abortion and beg God to have mercy upon us.
If we want to be spared from death and disease, it begins with humble repentance. As long as our state legally allows for the murder of innocent children in their mother’s womb, we can be sure God’s judgment will not relent. Government programs will not save us from the wrath of God. I am calling upon you, Speaker Haahr, and the Missouri Legislature to do what is in your God-given jurisdictional sphere to get our land right with God: that is stopping the hand of those who shed the innocent blood of the most vulnerable minorities among us. And I will do what is in my God-given sphere to get our land right with God: leading our people in repentance and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is currently reigning over all creation in heaven and on earth and He is doing two things: putting all His enemies under His feet, and reconciling all things to Himself. The way the world is going is toward Christ. Every person will either meet the sole of His foot as defeated rebel enemies; or they will be forgiven, reconciled, and united to Christ by faith. If we want to meet the bottom of Christ’s foot, we can just keep on doing what we’re doing. But if we want to be forgiven, healed, and brought into the eternal joy of our Lord, we must turn from our wicked ways, and trust in Jesus Christ. The Bible teaches that God is reconciling all things to Himself through Christ, making peace by the blood of His cross, so that Christ might be preeminent in all things. We are people with innocent blood on our hands – this is a condemning blood. But it is no match for the blood of Jesus Christ. His precious blood was spilled to wash our sins away. By faith, Jesus removes the guilty blood from our hands by washing us clean with His.
Let us stop the shedding of innocent blood, and trust in the precious blood Christ, and maybe our land will be healed.
Pastor Joshua Jenkins, Hope Baptist Church, Springfield, MO
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