Announcing “Hold Fast Chats”: Roundtable Discussions With The Bros – #HoldFastChats

Picture of The Majesty's Men Admin
The Majesty's Men Admin

We are really excited to finally be announcing this!

“Hold Fast Chats” has been an idea we wanted to pursue since a few young college guys began conversing on the idea of what would become around three years ago.

At the time, our founder and editor-in-chief here on the site was on staff with a collegiate ministry and was asked to round-up some Godly young men to go be a part of a young women’s conference. These guys were to do a couch panel and take questions in front of a bunch of young ladies about what godly young men think and do, what they’re looking for in significant others, what they value, and so on.

While Godly, friendly, bromantic chats were a regular occurrence for the guys in this circle, the discussion for the sake of others proved to not only be a great experience for the young ladies, but also very rewarding for the seven or eight men who went as they realized things that were common-talk for them, were serving and highly helpful for others.

What Will “Hold Fast Chats” Be?

Hold Fast Chats will be anywhere from 2 to 10 young men who have contributed to the site and community of The Majesty’s Men and who have a roundtable discussion over a pre-determined topic at least once a month.

We will then host these chats via video (so get a good webcam!), and stream them live in real-time! They will be recorded and posted to the blog for future viewing as well!

The conversations will center around faith, lifestyle choices, theology, struggles we face, and topics that directly affect our everyday lives as young men of God.

Practical Encouragement Is The Focus

Though we’ll definitely spend time “in the clouds” we’ll always aim to be practical, applicable, and meaningful for our ordinary, daily lives. To do this, we’ll always answer this question with every topic of discussion:

“What truth and wisdom would you encourage guys to “hold fast” to in regards to this topic, and how would you encourage them to do this?”

Though geared for young men, the hope is that these discussions will encourage and equip anyone of any gender, age, nationality, or place as well.

We want the church to be encouraged and equipped by seeing and hearing “ordinary” young men who are actively seeking to honor God with their lives by proactively thinking through the way, the truth, and the life of Jesus Christ and how to best live that out and “hold fast” to our convictions to live and love as Jesus does.

We may also invite special guests in the near future. Also, we will definitely be taking questions each month – probably even live!

So Let’s Do This! How To Be Involved:

If you’d like to be involved, that’s easy! Get signed up to join us, and post at least one blog post on the blog here!

Once you have at least one post on the site, you’ll receive the monthly announcement of the chat date and topic coming up. You can then pass or say you want in if it works for you!

On the blog, we allow ladies to post and nearly anyone else as long as it promotes respectful thought and discussion. Though we may make exceptions in some cases, we will likely not be asking for either women or non-believers in these chats. Why? We want to make sure these chats stay positive and friendly bro-chats, not about flirting and impressing nor debate and stirring animosity.

When dealing with us folks who are not formally trained in debate or apologetics, things can get ugly – that’s just the sad truth. So we’ll be doing our best to make sure each participant is a confessing follower of Jesus and the core truths of Christianity for these chats.

If you’d like to be featured as a guest, even if you don’t believe what we do, please feel free to submit a respectful request through our Contact page. We’ll be happy to consider it!

Feel free to leave any questions or comments in the comments below as well!

Now, go tell your friends!

*Update: The entire index or the recorded chats can be found at

All you active contributors, be watching for the Hold Fast Chats topic details the week before the first Saturday of each month!

Please help us get the word out by sharing the video or your favorite image below, and share it with a link back to this post (you can use!

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