Each first Saturday of the month we host a virtual, roundtable discussion with some of the guys from our community, and we call these #HoldFastChats! We seek to be encouraging and practical as we pose a topic and relative questions concerning it to overall answer:
“What truths do we as guys need to ‘hold fast’ to in regards to this topic and how can we practically encourage guys to do so?”
For full details, check out Announcing Hold Fast Chats. For the index of past discussions, go to our Hold Fast Chats page.
This Month’s Topic: Working Our Jobs For The Glory Of God
We will be asking questions and chatting about questions and personal experiences with things such as:
- What does it mean to be a Godly employee or employer?
- How can I know if I’m succeeding in being a Godly employee?
- It’s a popular notion, but am I really called to evangelize in the workplace?
- Are men really called to provide for the family?
- Does God’s word say much about work and working jobs?
- Is work just a consequence of sin or is it a good thing, because sometimes it feels like it’s simply not a good thing.
- How much man-pleasing is too much man-pleasing in my career or work?
So a few of our contributors are sitting down to discuss questions and experiences such as these on this topic!
Grab your best cup of coffee, have your questions ready, and let’s discuss some truth to hold fast too!
You can leave questions and feedback in the comments below (we’ll keep an eye on them even as we’re chatting). You can also invite your friends or shoot us a tweet during the chat by hitting this: [su_button url=”https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?screen_name=themajestysmen” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#00bfd6″ size=”2″ icon=”icon: twitter” title=”Tweet @TheMajestysMen For Support”]@TheMajestysMen #HoldFastChats[/su_button]
Tune In For The Livestream, Or Catch The Replay:
[su_youtube_advanced url=”https://youtu.be/63D_wLlaM8o” controls=”alt” autohide=”yes” showinfo=”no” rel=”no” modestbranding=”yes” theme=”light”]