Our natural hearts warp authority into something it actually isn't. However, when we meditate on how Jesus came to us and gained his authority, we get…
Our natural instincts drive us to try to be in control and handle life ourselves, but God's word tells us a different reality and condemns are natural…
What should Christians think about men and women in comparison? Are men superior to women? The answer has as much to do with marriage as it does with …
While a ninety-six percent on a college English paper is a satisfying result, that grade is still a convicting failure in the eyes of the law. Fortuna…
Brew your coffee and get ready, we're going live for our first #HoldFastChats of 2016 with any of our active contributors who want to join! We'll be d…
You are "dirty", "unclean", "guilty" and "wretched" - or so you think. But why do you think this? Is this right? Is this helpful? Should we really spe…
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