On this episode of Discern Daily, Jonathan Hayashi and I discuss his brand new book on discipleship, titled, Ordinary Radicals: A Return to Christ-Cen…
It's true we are offered free forgiveness because of Jesus Christ, but don't be confused or mislead: to be a true follower of Christ will cost you eve…
In this week's edition of "Ministry Minded," Brad sits with Rodney and Nathan, both of whom are church planters in Las Vegas, Nevada. Listen as we tal…
Most of us become believers knowing that it means being a disciple of Christ. Most of us know being a disciple of Christ is costly. We "count the cost…
Is there really a shortcut in the Christian life? We can truly desire holiness, righteousness, and godliness (and those are good things), but if we tr…
When it comes to sharing our faith, some of us should reconsider our approach a bit. The older I get the more I can look back on times which are quite…
What if we were able to know the truth about God and how He relates to us? We looked at misconceptions about God being grumpy, as well as the undeniab…
The cultural norm in our society is to stare at our mobile devices and scroll through our news feeds even instead of talking to those right in front o…
If you're a believer in Christ, that is only the beginning of your life. God calls us to so much more and to tell people about our hope in so much mor…
What you were told the worst pregame speech ever delivered was spoken by The Deliverer, Himself? As God tends to do though, what may look like the wor…
As we grow more capable of the fruit of the Spirit manifesting itself through us in self-control, we are able to look past our own selfishness and ben…
Is Christianity a decision you made once? Is it wrapped up neatly in a little prayer, long forgotten? Christianity is not confined to a decision or a …
Are we to be men who lead or follow? Can we do both? We get a lot of mixed messages in the world today both from the Christians and non-Christians. Le…
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