As people made in the image of the master Creator, we love creativity and art in many forms! As people made in the image of the author of all wisdom, we cherish wisdom and search for it anywhere it can be found!
This is why we have a role called “Creators” and one called “Scholars” on this site! This is also why I want to pass on a neat resource I came across that some of you are really going to enjoy… and maybe someone will get inspired to do something like this for us! hint hint, cough cough
The Proverbs Project
It appears the artist’s name is Michael, and he’s doing some great work! Consider hopping over to his Tumblr and checking them out and maybe hopping over to his shop and purchasing a few prints for your home decor!
Never hurts to have a little wisdom hanging around!

So tell us what you think! You going to get a few of these for yourself?
Are you an artist or know of any other great projects going on like this!? We’d love to know about them here.
Even more so, we’d love to have YOU write for us about them as we build this community around this blog! Come share you’re inspiration and your God given talent with us.
You think The Majesty’s Men should get a few things like this on the site?
Oh, and if you see this Michael from the Proverbs Project… we have you written down for a potential partnership in the future as we grow. 🙂 Keep up the good work!