Discern Daily
Ep. 28 – Discovering and Guarding Our Purpose
A plethora of content exists today regarding purpose. Discovering one’s purpose in life can take time and requires a sacrificial amount of searching. As Christ followers, we know our purpose is to glorify God, but how focused are we really on glorifying God at all times? On this episode, we are taking a look at an article by John MacArthur, titled, “How Do I Glorify God in the Gray Areas?,” found on Grace to You. Let’s seek the truth together.
Quotes From John MacArthur
“You might know believers who abuse their freedoms. Their lives are routinely bombarded by temptation—often it’s temptation they’ve unnecessarily heaped upon themselves through their own choices. And the closer they get to the line between sin and liberty, the harder it is to stay on the right side of it. Over time, that kind of lifestyle is an invitation to moral shipwreck.”
“On the opposite end of the spectrum from unbridled Christian liberty is legalism. In that camp are believers who want to make hard-and-fast rules about matters on which Scripture is silent.”
“The biblical pattern for dealing with life’s gray areas isn’t found in either of those extremes. While it is true that the Bible doesn’t specifically mention every possible decision you might face, it provides general principles and parameters that help you make decisions that honor God.”
View the full post on Grace to You here.
Episode Highlights
Our main purpose in life is to glorify God. It’s not a purpose that we decide for ourselves — our purpose was given to us by our Creator.
There’s a bigger picture to the smaller decisions we make each day. Romans 14:13-23 is a great passage that relates to this. Here, Paul teaches about not causing one another to stumble and uses food as an example. If a brother stumbles by what we eat, we should not eat it. This is not just about food — it’s about our heart, mind, motivation, and purpose.
We read through 1 Corinthians 10:23-33, where we learn that we’re called to do all things to the glory of God.
Some may not understand their purpose in life yet, but others just don’t like the purpose they’ve been given. Sometimes a purpose other than the one God has given us seems more enjoyable, comfortable, and entertaining.
Hearing from God every single day is vital to discovering and guarding our purpose. The Word of God always leads us to righteousness, peace, and life. We must stay rooted in the Word.
Share Your Thoughts
Is the Spirit of God speaking to you regarding your purpose in life? What stood out to you in John MacArthur’s article for Grace to You? What are some of the challenges you face on this subject?