Discern Daily
Ep. 26 – Loving Your Neighbor Through Politics
Another season of political discussions is here with the help of the 2020 Democratic primaries. Many Christians stay far away from politics in America; however, politics may be a useful means to bring God’s Kingdom to earth. David Closson composed an excellent article for ERLC, titled, “4 Reasons Christians Should Care About Politics,” and it’s worth unpacking together.
Quotes From David Closson
“The gospel is a holistic message with implications for all areas of life, including how Christians engage the political process.”
“Here are four reasons Christians should care about politics…
- The Christian worldview speaks to all areas of life.
- Politics are unavoidable.
- We need to love our neighbor.
- Government restrains evil and promotes good.”
[Under #3’s section] “In a very real sense, politics is one of the most important areas in which Christians demonstrate love to neighbor. In fact, how can Christians claim to care about others and not engage the arena that most profoundly shapes basic rights and freedoms? Caring for the hungry, thirsty, naked, sick and lonely is important to Jesus and should be to His followers as well. Jesus said, ‘As you did it to one of the least of these you did it to me’ (Matthew 25:40).”
“Good government can serve as a conduit for the furthering of the gospel and human flourishing.”
“Christian withdrawal opens a moral vacuum susceptible to influences that pressure government to move outside the purview designated by God.”
View David Closson’s full article for ERLC here.
Episode Highlights
The following episode was sparked from lengthy conversations on Twitter about whether or not Christians should participate in voting for presidential candidates.
Some refuse to vote because the candidates are not exemplary Christian examples. What’s wrong with voting for the best candidate with the most biblical policies and beliefs?
If Christians stay completely out of politics, the government loses its biblical influence and godly direction. We must not sit on the sidelines. We must get involved somehow.
Christians should both pray and vote. We must vote in order to demonstrate our beliefs, and we must pray in order to receive help and guidance from God.
Here’s the big question: How are you involved in bringing God’s Kingdom to earth? For some, it’s by getting involved in politics.
Share Your Thoughts
Did you find David’s article for ERLC helpful? Do you believe Christians should get involved in political matters, such as voting for the next president? Leave a comment below and share this episode on social media.