Ep. 13 – Join the Fight to End Abortion

Discern Daily
Discern Daily
Ep. 13 - Join the Fight to End Abortion

Discern Daily

Ep. 13 – Join the Fight to End Abortion

Abortion is arguably the hottest topic to discuss today, and rightfully so. Two videos went viral recently about new abortion laws in New York and Virginia that would increase access to abortions.

On this episode, we looked at an article by Josh Wester for ERLC, titled, “Another Abortion Video Goes Viral: Virginia and the Repeal Act,” which summarizes what’s going on today regarding new abortion laws. Let’s take a look at what’s going on and seek the truth together.


Quotes from Josh Wester’s Article for ERLC

This week, a second video about abortion went viral. But instead of New York, this one was from the general assembly in Virginia. The video features a Democratic member of the Virginia House of Delegates offering comments in defense of proposed legislation that would dramatically expand abortion laws in the commonwealth.”

Abortion advocates once called for abortions to be ‘safe, legal, and rare.’ But the goalposts have moved. We now live in an age where women are encouraged to ‘shout’ their abortions.”

Polling shows that young adults are more likely than other demographics to support abortion restrictions, including the gradual implementation of pro-life legislation. These efforts to expand access to abortions in New York, Virginia, and elsewhere do not necessarily represent the future or a permanent trajectory.”

“Those committed to the cause of life, who would see this dreadful movement reversed, must continue to work and pray. Advancing the cause of life takes many forms, from voting in elections to supporting crisis pregnancy centers. It includes showing up at city council meetings and cultivating churches that are prepared to receive and care for women, children, and families in need. It means showing the love of Christ and being a neighbor.”

View Josh Wester’s full article for ERLC here.

Episode Highlights

Abortion can be a complicated subject; however, most of the time, it’s not complicated at all. Simply put, abortion is murder.

It’s important to dig beneath the surface of abortion and think about its process fundamentally.

God has access to babies during pregnancy. John the Baptist was “filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother’s womb” (Luke 1:15).

Christians must join the fight to end abortion. Numerous opportunities exist. How are you helping to end abortion?

Let’s Seek the Truth

Share your personal convictions on abortion below. Do any Bible verses come to mind? Which organizations have made a difference in saving lives? How are you getting involved in this work?

Picture of Payte Johnson

Payte Johnson

Payte is a husband and father from Kansas who hosts the Discern Daily podcast show. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Religion from Liberty University with experience in church planting and serving as a local church elder. In his free time he enjoys playing drums and disc golfing.

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