“The Bible Belt is teetering toward collapse, and I say let it fall.” You cannot even escape the introduction to Russell Moore’s, Onward without hearing canon blasts of gospel truth. This book takes on the nature of the gospel in the sense that the gospel is both offensive and life giving. Onward is chalked full of gospel proclamations while […]
Behold, the Lamb of God
I was recently reading John 1 v 29-51, saw some magnificent things, and now I have to write about it. So before you read this, read that passage to get some context on what I’m saying. Now that you’ve read the passage, let’s dive right in. v 29 begins with a massive theological statement from […]
A Blue Collar Gospel
Many Christians in America spend much of their week working. Working hard. Myself included. Work is good, but it is hard. It is hard mentally and physically. Our days are spent working and we go home at night and want to collapse. Just to get up the next day and do it again. Some work […]
Jesus, Forever Fascinating
The problem with humanity is that we are far too easily fascinated by things that don’t matter, and not nearly fascinated enough with the things that do matter. This is also true with people who claim to be Christians. Many Christians are far too caught up in anything and everything but Christ and what He […]
The Gospel for Failures
If there is one thing that I’m good at, it’s failing. And I am quite sure that I am not alone in this skill. The entire human race specializes in failing. Everything from the most minuscule detail, to really important things we continually drop the ball on. For some it seems we can never get […]