Click HERE for Audio The Greatness of Constantine Constantine was born in 280 and died in 337 A. D. He was the son of a Roman Caesar during the tetrarchy, and he became Emperor and united Rome once again during his life. Constantine was a great warrior, fighter, general, and leader of men. He was […]
Why History Matters
Introduction Why Church history? Why history? Why does what happened 1,500 years ago, or 500 years ago, or 50 years matter to us today? Who cares? What’s the point? These are questions and thoughts that many modern evangelicals really think. Maybe some of you kind of feel the same way as we begin this Church […]
Praying Great Prayers, with Great Confidence, Because we have Great Assurance, from our Great God, Who has Given us a Great Gift: 1 John 3:19-24
Prayer, we would all admit, is one of the most difficult disciplines to maintain in the Christian life. It is one of the most neglected means of grace, and methods of communion with God. And it is the most powerful aspect of the Christian life. Yet, for many, if not most, it is hard to […]
What’s So Great About the NBA Draft?
Last Thursday night was an event that only avid NBA fans were excited about: the NBA Draft. This is where NBA organizations get the opportunity to select college or international players to join their team. As a hardcore NBA fan, I love the NBA draft. But what’s so great about the NBA draft? Besides the […]