In this chapter we see a great deal of length and detail given to Jacob’s blessing of his sons. We must understand that there are great thematic elements of a father’s blessing to his sons on display here that are a theme throughout Scripture, and carried on into the gospel itself. There are many […]
The Lord Comforts His Servant: A Commentary on Genesis 46
Outline: God’s Peace, Presence, Promise, Provision, and Protection. God’s Peace (v1-3) Verse 1: When Jacob, on his journey to Egypt arrives at Beersheba, he makes a sacrifice to God, and God visits him there. It is interesting that Beersheba is where both Abraham and Isaac lived for a time during their sojourning. And now Jacob […]
A Substitute for the Guilty: Commentary on Genesis 44
There are three elements to the narrative that will guide our thought concerning this passage here: Joseph’s Test, The Brother’s Guilt, and Judah’s Plea. Joseph’s Test Verse 1: The passage begins with Joseph filling the brother’s sacks full and putting their money back in their sacks. In other words he continues to pile on the gifts […]
There Again: Feasting in Famine – Commentary on Genesis 43
In Genesis 43 there are three overarching themes that will guide our consideration of this passage: the famine grows in severity, the brothers grow in honesty, and Joseph grows in mercy. The Famine Grows in Severity In the last chapter we noted how God uses means to accomplish his purposes; and sometimes those means are […]
Joseph’s Brothers: There and Back Again – Commentary on Genesis 42
In this passage there are three themes that will consider: God strikes the land with famine, God strikes Joseph with tenderness, and God strikes the brothers with guilt. God Strikes the Land with Famine In the opening verses of Genesis 42 we are met by Jacob and his sons back in Canaan. The famine has […]