The Lord’s Table is for weak and needy sinners. When we come to the Table, we are not to come trusting in or proud of our own strength or our own goodness. We are not to come full of ourselves and with our hands full of things to offer to God. Rather, we are to come to the Table not trusting in any of our own strength, knowing ourselves to be very weak and totally dependent upon the Lord Jesus. We are to come hungry and with empty hands, ready to receive from the Lord, knowing we have nothing of merit to offer to Him.
So we come as hungry and weak sinners, and we take and eat of the Bread, and we take and drink of the wine. And just as physical food nourishes our body and gives us strength, so our faith is strengthened by Jesus Christ when we receive His body and blood in faith, which is for us. When we partake of Christ, weak sinners are made strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. So come in faith, and be strengthened by Jesus, our strong Savior.
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