The problem with humanity is that we are far too easily fascinated by things that don’t matter, and not nearly fascinated enough with the things that do matter. This is also true with people who claim to be Christians. Many Christians are far too caught up in anything and everything but Christ and what He has done for us. In fact, many things we are fascinated with are quite pagan, we have just thrown some sort of Christian label on it. But it is no more Christian than a rock.
I meet so many people who are consumed with the latest end-time prophecy they heard on the radio, T.V. show, or read in a book. But my honest response to those people is mostly sadness. It’s sad they are being deceived and their emotions manipulated. John Hagee, Jonathan Cahn, and the like, would be put out of business if people used just a little bit of Biblical discernment, instead of being pushed to and fro by each new twist these men put on Scripture. The Holy Scriptures are not a collection of clue books, but it is the Word of God which is useful for everything pertaining to life and godliness.
Along those lines, others are infatuated with the unknowns of heaven and believe every story of everyone off the street who claims to have been to heaven and back. I met a man not too long ago who was convinced that Jesus actually looked like the boy from “Heaven is For Real” said he looked like. However, the boy claimed Jesus was white, when in reality Jesus was a middle eastern man. The boy is clearly a liar. Yet people eat it up. Again, it made me sad. And again, a little bit of Biblical discernment and “Heaven is For Real” would have sold zero copies.
But the silliness doesn’t stop there. The fascination people have with angels is unfortunate to say the least. To speculate on things beyond the bounds of Scripture is a dangerous thing. More than that, to marvel about things Scripture clearly tells us not to, is even more dangerous.
I have burst at least three bubbles here, but I am no Debbie-Downer or Negative-Nancy. I aim to show you something far more fascinating than all of those things combined. Read Hebrews 1:4-6
“After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become as much superior to angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent than theirs. For to which of the angels did God ever say, ‘You are my Son, today I have begotten you’? Or again, ‘I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a son?’ And again, when he brings the firstborn in to the world, he says, ‘Let all God’s angels worship him.'”
Jesus is better. Jesus is better than angels, His gospel is better than prophecies, and He is more glorious than any man-made false image of Him. Jesus is more fascinating than angels, His gospel is far more intriguing than false prophecies, and His beauty cannot be contained in a painting.
Christ made purification for our sins, and sits at the right hand of the majesty of God. Christ won the victory for us, and He is the victor and victorious King who reigns over all creation. Christ did what the angels cannot do, for the angels are not even qualified to make purification for our sins. And no man or angel sits where Christ sits.
Christ’s name alone is of more value than all else – never mind his victory and kingship – for it is at the name of Jesus that every knee will bow. The Scriptures are clear: don’t worship or fantasize over angels; but rather marvel at the work of Christ for us, in view of His person.
Even more, Christ is the Son of God. The angels are not the sons of God. Yet because of what the Son of God has done for us, we are made sons of God through adoption. God is not the angel’s father, but through Jesus, He is our father.
And even more, the angels worship Christ the King. It is clear that all of heaven and creation knows God is king and there is none other. And it is God here who exalts Christ above all else. The heavens bow in worship to the Son of God. We would do good to do the same.
So I offer to you something, someone, rather, better than silly mystical fascinations: Christ, our great high priest, and our forever reigning king of the universe. He is forever fascinating. He will never bore. He will never not be true. He will never disappoint. In heaven, the angels will be of little concern to us, for they will be on their faces alongside us worshiping the Christ. On that day, we will see that all human prophecies have failed, but what God has declared to take place will be forever true.
You will know everything there is to know about the last days, on the last days. But a billion years into eternity you will still be marveling upon the wonders of Christ. Thanks to the purifying work of Christ on the cross, we will one day look with pure eyes in the face of our victorious King and be forever happy in Him.
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praymillennials says
Jesus, Forever Fascinating, is what Christmas and every God-given day are about. Thank you for this powerful, Christ-Exalting message. I bask in it often.