“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” – Matthew 7v13-14
There are many today who believe that Jesus only ever spoke about love. They often take this to mean that love means acceptance and inclusion of every person, lifestyle, belief system, etc. In so doing, they are either lying or showing their ignorance. Jesus spoke more about hell than he did about heaven; and love is not defined by indiscriminate inclusion of sin. Many bristle at the above quotation from Matthew 7v13-14. But those who bristle, ought to know that these are the words of Jesus. Let us examine them further, and by grace give heed to them in our lives.
We open with a command from Jesus to “enter by the narrow gate.” He is giving us an analogy of the way of salvation. One ought to notice that such a command to enter the narrow gate, implies that we are by default, outside of the narrow gate! We are, by default, on the path to destruction! This testifies to the reality that we are born dead in our sins, depraved from the start, in need of salvation. Furthermore, the command to enter by the narrow gate teaches us that it is sin if we do not.
Jesus then proceeds to warn us of another gate. The next gate, in contrast to the narrow gate that we are commanded to enter, is described as wide. Now, if you and I were walking down a path and we approached two gates, one that was narrow, and one that was wide, we would likely be more inclined to enter the wide gate, for it is easier and more comfortable. This is exactly why we have such a warning from the Lord Jesus, because we must actively choose the thing that is most difficult!
Not only do we have two gates presented, one that is narrow, and one that is wide; but we also have their respective ways described. The narrow way being hard and the wide way being easy. Here we are warned from taking the easy path, and commanded to take the hard one!
We see our Lord’s concern wrapped up in the explanation of his warning. What is his reason for commanding that we enter by the narrow gate? The gate that is wide and the way that is easy leads to destruction! But the gate that is narrow and the way that is hard leads to life. Jesus wants us to live eternally and not die in our sins and head for eternal destruction under the wrath of God in the flames of hell! Jesus gives us this command and warning because hell is real!
“There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death” (Proverbs 14v12). Oh my friends, whatever your “way” is, if it is not the narrow way of Christ, it will lead to death. Not simply a physical death which we all experience; but a second death – an eternal death. Not a death that results in annihilation, but an eternal conscience torment that will not end; and once there, no man can ever escape! What a fool you would be to ignore such a warning! Surely this is one of the most loving warnings Christ gave, to warn us of the way of destruction. When we sin, live lifestyles of pride in our sinning, disobey, or follow other religions or moral systems, we are walking along the way that is wide, headed for destruction! And this destruction is certain. There is no possibility that it will not come. Hence the urgent warning.
Jesus said that if you love me, you will keep my commands. We cannot live however we please and be exempt from consequences and eternal judgment. Nor can we believe however and whatever we wish to believe and not face the consequences and eternal judgment of such beliefs. The way to eternal life is narrow, and it is difficult. If your way is not narrow, then you are not on the path to eternal life.
Let us take notice of the respective travelers of our two paths. It is said by our Lord that there are few who find the path to life; this contrasts with the amount of travelers who find the way to destruction. My friends, this is a frightening truth, and it comes from the lips of Jesus, there are many who are headed for destruction. Maybe even many of you who are reading this, are now, at this very moment, on your way to eternal damnation. Many of you are on the broad path to eternal destruction and you don’t even know it! Maybe you laugh and mock at such an idea. My friends, your unbelief does nothing to change the direction you are headed, but only confirms it. Won’t you heed Christ’s warnings and wake up from your sleep? Won’t you see that a Holy God must punish your sin, and your sins are many? Won’t you look and see that your life testifies against you in a heavenly court?
Oh, but my friends, as sure as we talk about the narrow way there are accusations all around of narrow mindedness, bigotry, and the like. But those accusations are ultimately against God. “If God is loving how could He only give us one way?” “If God is loving how could the way be narrow?” What foolish, entitled, and arrogant questions, only depraved humans have the audacity to ask! My friends, it is not a scandal that there is only one narrow way; it is a scandal that there is any way at all! We are not owed salvation nor a way of salvation at all. We are rebellious sinners against a Holy God, and He has every right to throw us all in hell forever! And He would be worthy of all praise, glory, and honor if He did so!
So the question is, “How has a holy and righteous God made a way of salvation to such wretched sinners as we are?” The answer is only by grace. It is only because God has grace toward sinners beyond comprehension that we have a way of salvation in Jesus Christ. Nothing obligates or compels God to save sinners; yet He does so of his own free will and love. So we should not be angry that there is only one way, but rather, we should be overjoyed with amazement that God has made a way at all!
God has done this without sacrificing his holiness or justice. It is not a grace that overlooks and excuses sin. It is a holy grace that put our sin on Christ, punished Christ, so that in Him, we might be saved, if we forsake our sin (repentance) and come to Jesus, trusting Him to save us because of his life, death, and resurrection on our behalf.
My friends, in an ultimate sense, Jesus is talking about Himself in this passage. Jesus is the narrow gate. Jesus said in John 14v6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father but by me.” When considering Matthew 7v13-14, there is often a lot of emphasis put on the Christian lifestyle. We often view it, strictly in terms of obedience and disobedience; sinful living, or godly living. While I affirm that there are those elements here, and those things are important, those things are not the ultimate way of salvation. You could live the most buttoned up, strict, moral lifestyle and still wake up burning in hell when you die. Many do. A moral lifestyle without Jesus Christ as the fountain of godliness in one’s life, is a life that is walking along the wide path headed for destruction. A strictly moral lifestyle is too broad! It’s too broad to fit in the narrow gate! My friends, the gate is as narrow as the cross of Christ. It’s as narrow as Jesus’ outstretched arms. As Charles Spurgeon once put it, “Morality may keep you out of jail, but only the blood of Jesus can keep you out of hell.”
Oh my friends, let us run to the cross. Let us run to our crucified savior. Let us take the path of salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, to the glory of God alone. There is no other way. Every other way is too broad. It is Christ and Christ only. A narrow way, yet all things are found in him. Repent of your sin, and turn to Christ, my dear reader.
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