How We Spend Our Lives – #HoldFastChats

Picture of The Majesty's Men Admin
The Majesty's Men Admin

Brew your coffee and get ready for the morning, bright and early: we’re going live at 8 a.m. CST to hangout for another round table discussion with our active contributors. We host these with a fresh topic the first Saturday of each month and call these discussions #HoldFastChats. If you wanna know more, read this: Announcing Hold Fast Chats!

This Hangout’s Topic: How We Spend Our Lives

As with every #HoldFastChats we do, we’ll be addressing this question in regards to the topic:

“What truth do we as guys need to “hold fast” to in regards to this topic and how would you encourage us to do so?”

So you can bet we will be discussing matters such as what matters most in life, what we spend our time on, the idea of self-improvement, goals and ambitions, following Christ and making his name famous verses our name famous,​ and more questions and concerns like these.

As always we seek to be highly encouraging and practical!

We’ll see where the convo goes, but we hope it’s an encouraging and refreshing conversation! Hope you can join us! If you do have to miss it though, you can always catch the recording afterwards here on this post or see them all on the#HoldFastChats index page, here.

Tune In Live, Or Catch The Replay, Here:


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