This is a now “classic” sermon that John Piper gave to his congregation in 2012. It’s easy to see at the start that it’s very specific to his church, as a pastor’s sermon should be, but if you listen through to the heart of the message you’ll hear some paradigm shifting truths!
How To Be Most Happy And Most God Glorifying At The Same Time!
John Piper talks about a foundational statement you may have heard, “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him,” and so in this sermon he explains how you and I are both loved and loving only if we demand God’s glory above all else.
This teaching says that true happiness is found only in glorifying God in all that we are, and this teaching is commonly known as “Christian Hedonism” – a doctrinal belief system that many of the guys involved with this site believe.
So give this sermon a listen and you’ll understand how these amazing truths could possibly alter your views of everything from death, conversion, evil, self-denial, worship, money, love, ministry and more!
God Is Most Glorified in Us When We Are Most Satisfied in Him from Desiring God on Vimeo.
About The #SuperSermon Series
Our #SuperSermon series is ongoing thread of posts on the site to serve as an ever-growing resource for us men to refer back to whenever we need a quick hit of truth, admonishment, and encouragement. A dependable stream of content you can always return to for knowing you’ll get gospel goodness proclaimed at you when you need it. These are sermons that you listen to and think, “Wow I need to listen to that one again… and again!” Catch more of these with the tag: #SuperSermons