A Gang And A Game Plan

Picture of Derek Ball
Derek Ball

photo of multi-strand rope in a pile
If there was ever a time in recent history for men to start forming or joining packs (or militias for that matter), 2021 is that time.

From the great purge of social media platforms such as YouTube, Twitter, and the like, to the inauguration of tyrants to the West Wing, now is the time for Godly men to form Godly fraternities. This is just the first step in building a game plan for Godly living in the years to come (behind, of course, membership to a strong local church, and alongside finding yourself a Godly wife).

Why? Here’s why:

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor. For if one falls down, his companion can lift him up; but pity the one who falls without another to help him up! Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; but how can one keep warm alone? And though one may be overpowered, two can resist. Moreover, a cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9).

Notwithstanding one of those roles may be more suited for a wife to fill, the rest would be well fit for a group of Godly men.

As the title suggests, I recommend men start right now in cultivating a game plan for their lives — not like a five-year career plan, mind you, but a robust game plan on how to go about living a Godly life in the years to come.

It doesn’t need to be complicated or lengthy, but it needs to be biblical and include the construction of a community of Godly men to lift you up when you fall; to resist when you would otherwise be overpowered; to not be quickly broken.

Our culture, and much of professed evangelicalism, is attempting to fell you — to overpower you, and to break you.

Men are built to defend, protect, and fight, and they do it much better together.

Find like-minded men. Spend time with them regularly. Pray together. Confess your sins. Read Orthodoxy. Develop masculine skills together. Start a business. Develop a blessing for your children at bedtime. Get involved in local government. Start a school. Shape your local culture. Invite a couple of unbelievers to see the light of Christ displayed in a group of warriors.

These are just suggestions (Orthodoxy is mandatory), but make it a workable system that can be replicated and repeated.

Men often want to be lone wolves and work out their own lives, fix their own problems, and develop their own systems; but, like I’ve already stated, we do all of these things better together. Men wage war, and there was never a war won by one man (who wasn’t also God).

So quit your blaspheming, find some Godly men, and create a game plan (and you don’t have to call it that; call it a war room or be Kingdom Operators or something cool and masculine). The point isn’t what you call it. The point is that you build a Christian culture among friends, who will build and fight with you — a sword in one hand and a trowel in the other. (Neh 4:17)


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