Announcing Launch Of New Site Design & GIVEAWAY!

Picture of The Majesty's Men Admin
The Majesty's Men Admin

In case you didn’t notice… we’ve got a new site design!

In March we did a “soft-launch”, and we’ve since been working hard on putting this snazzy new theme together! We’ve been anticipating this for a while because this is a huge upgrade (as you’ll know if you saw the old bare-bones site)!

So we’re thrilled to be launching this, and we’re going hard-style!

To celebrate, we’re doing some giveaways of some gift cards for you! You spread the word, and you get the money!

Spreading The Love With A Giveaway!

We’re so excited to be rolling with this new site that we want to give you a chance to get in on the fun too!

Because of this, we’re giving you till Sunday at 12am (which is technically Saturday night) to get as many entries in as possible to win either a

  • $20 Amazon Gift Card! – That can get ya all sorts of goodies, but we recommend you get something that’ll make ya a better contributor to this site like a book or a payment on a laptop. 🙂
  • $15 Starbucks Gift Card! – Because you need a little brain juice while you’re reading other’s posts and writing yours for this site!

So there will be two winners announced on Sunday and you’ll receive your prizes that day!

UPDATE: We’ve extended the giveaway so that we’ll have more time to tell more people! Let’s pick it up on spreading the word this week!

This is a community, so even though you no doubt want that dough, the more the merrier! Make sure you follow the directions, and spread the word!

You can tweet about this once a day for extra entries!
We’d love to have ya circle us on Google+ as well! We like it over there!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

UPDATE: As you can see in the widget above, the giveaway is over and the winners have been chosen! Isaac and Rod both had the most entries so it’s no surprise they won in the drawing powered by! Thanks for spreading the word guys! You’ll receive your prizes in your email soon!

We didn’t get the numbers we were hoping for but it’s not easy work spreading the word on the internet these days. So much noise out there! Building a blog takes a great deal of time though. So just keep up the good work! Thanks for all who spread the word and participated! We’ll do more soon! 

Enjoy The Blog And Community!

We’re hoping to become a great blog, community, and ever-growing resource for men of all ages, with an obvious target of younger generations. Check the About page for some more info!

We hope you’ll be joining us to contribute and/or jumping into the discussions in the comments as our authors begin to post.

You can always expect frank, honest discussions on any topic and you can know we’re going to be making much of Jesus Christ!

If you have any more questions, feel free to contact us with anything. If not, get going already!


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