
By Bo Hutches

Virtue • Courage • Excellence • Manliness

“Virtus” is the Latin word for “Manliness,” but it also implies excellence and courage. This is Virtus, a show dedicated to inspiring and cultivating manliness, virtue, courage, excellence, and honor. I discuss many topics, most of which fall into the categories of personal development, theology, philosophy, work, labor, and masculinity, along with some personal interests and cultural commentary.

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Introduction From Host, Bo Hutches

Virtus Podcast Episodes

Bo Hutches

The Birth of our Daughter

Listen in to hear our journey from a C-section at a hospital with our first son to an all natural birth at a birth center with our daughter. We learned a lot about the birth industry in hospitals and the different approach we experienced at the birth center. Perhaps our conversation will encourage you!

toddler baptized
Bo Hutches

How I Changed My Mind on Baptism

In this episode I talk about the Reformed position on baptism how I shifted from a believers baptism view to an infant baptism view. 

Bo Hutches

Being HUSBAND with Jonathan West

Jonathan West from the Being HUSBAND Podcast joins me on the show. We talk about his podcast, CR Wiley’s influence on both of us, the manosphere, and he lays out five important things for every husband to know. 

Bo Hutches

How to Grow in Discipline

Today I read from my blog post from December of 2021, “How to Grow in Discipline.”

person holding brown and black round ornament
Bo Hutches

Three Red Pills

I share three Red Pills that have changed my life completely. 

Bo Hutches

Riley Voth – TMM Founder, House Flipper, and Rancher

The Founder of the Majesty’s Men, Riley Voth, joins me on the show to talk about productive property and all the stuff he’s got going on. He gives some tips and wisdom if men pursue the productive property way of life.

gray knuckles
Bo Hutches

Freedom or Slavery – Your Choice

Proverbs teaches us that we will rule ourselves or be ruled by lust, sleep, robbery, leisure, and other things. People already enslaved to their lusts and passions are easy to control and moved about at the whims of tyrants, evidenced by last year.

Today I connect some major lessons in Proverbs to our current situation and encourage you – Don’t be a slave; be a king.

Bo Hutches

Life Update

A quick life and podcast update.

white and black printer paper
Bo Hutches

‘The Makers vs the Takers’ – Book Review

Today I review the book ‘The Makers versus the Takers’ by Jerry Bower. It’s a true gem and great resource to the church and will be handy in your personal life.

man holding boy's head
Bo Hutches

Don’t be the Doofus Dad

Modern culture portrays fathers as incompetent, overweight, good for nothing, and someone who just gets in the way or hinders what the rest of the family is trying to do – think Homer Simpson and Peter Griffin. May it not be with Christian fathers. I offer some reflections and exhortations to fight against the modern stereotype. 

Bo Hutches

Postmillennialism with Collin Brooks

Pastor Collin Brooks from Redeemer Christian Fellowship in Roswell, NM joins me today and gives the ins and outs of postmillennialism. We have a great conversation about what it is compared to other end times positions, answer common objections, and Collin gives some personal ways the postmill vision has impacted him in his daily life. 

Bo Hutches

A Mixed Bag with Scott Tungay

Today Scott Tungay joins me on the podcast to talk all sorts of stuff: masculine hierarchies, honor, localism, nationalism, how we win as believers, mission, hope over despair, and what the future might hold. Enjoy. 

white van on green grass field during daytime
Bo Hutches

Navigating the Chaos by Building Up Households

Today I read from my own blog post ‘Navigating the Chaos by Building Up Households’ and reflect on our current moment in history. Are we prepared to live in a nation in decline? What is our plan for navigating the years to come?

man in black leather jacket carrying boy in black leather jacket
Bo Hutches

The Patriarchy and Raising Sons with Jared Sparks

“The Patriarchy” has been a buzz word for the last several years and it is always portrayed in a negative light. On the episode today, Jared Sparks tells us about biblical patriarchy; how it can be redeemed and how it is good for the world. We also talk about his approach to intentionally raising his own sons.

shallow focus photo of compass
Bo Hutches

God’s Mission and Your Mission

Today I talk about the importance of having a personal mission for your life and setting your personal mission in the broader scope of God’s mission in the world.

Bo Hutches

Reflections on The Odyssey

I recently finished Homer’s ‘The Odyssey’ and it had a profound impact on me. Today I share some lesson I learned from the epic poem.

grayscale photo of crown in bassinet
Bo Hutches

Wartime at Christmas

Jesus is our Prince of Peace and Christmas is our reminder that the Incarnation was an act of war against all darkness, sin, hell, death, and Satan.

gray painted infrastructure
Bo Hutches

Virtus with Dr. Glenn Sunshine

Dr. Glenn Sunshine joins me on the show to get his historical expertise on the idea of virtus, or manliness, in the days of the Roman empire. We talk about virtus throughout history, the founding of our nation, personal development, and much more.

VIRTUS podcast artwork of Roman forum columns
Bo Hutches

Not Safe, But Good

In this episode I read an article written by Greg Morse at Desiring God about masculinity. Its very much in the same vein of what this podcast is trying to promote. Morse drives home the truth that masculinity is tough and tender, meek and fierce, and like Aslan, not safe, but good.

VIRTUS podcast artwork of Roman forum columns
Bo Hutches

Thanksgiving and a Theology of Patriotism

Thanksgiving is this week so I give a quick history of the holiday making the case that Thanksgiving is a Christian holiday. I also offer a theology of patriotism or love of country.

VIRTUS podcast artwork of Roman forum columns
Bo Hutches

Earthly Christianity – Wisdom

Part 1 of my series on “Earthly Christianity” where I discuss the tangible aspects to our faith. Wisdom is not just something that happens between our ears, but it works itself out into daily life.

VIRTUS podcast artwork of Roman forum columns
Bo Hutches

Put Not Your Trust In Princes

Take away from the election? Christians need a bigger vision than the next four years, regardless of who is in the White House.

VIRTUS podcast artwork of Roman forum columns
Bo Hutches

Don’t Despise the Younger Generation

Today I comment on the older generation of men that tend to look down on the younger generation for being lazy and irresponsible. The fact of the matter is the older generation raised the younger generation and really isn’t in a place to criticize to harshly. What should the younger generation do in response? Tune in. 

VIRTUS podcast artwork of Roman forum columns
Bo Hutches

Definitions of Masculinity

In this episode I give several definitions of what it means to be a man that have been helpful in my own life.

VIRTUS podcast artwork of Roman forum columns
Bo Hutches

Lewis Fridays: Nostalgia

Today I read from Lewis’s sermon ‘The Weight of Glory’ honing in on his idea of Nostalgia and how it should influence us today.