Just started in ministry, a seasoned campaigner or looking to disciple and equip others? The sources below have greatly helped myself, and I hope they can be for you as well. Wether it's books your after, sermon guides or discipleship material, the links below will provide useful information for you and those around you. 1. ... Continue Reading
The wrong wells
What well's are you drinking from? John 4 is the famous passage of Jesus meeting the Samaritan woman at the well. When Jesus offered her water that was long lasting and more refreshing then the water at this particular well (Jacobs well); the lady had a few questions for him. Are you too good, are you greater than our father Jacob who's well it is? ... Continue Reading
Acts29 Europe Conference
Church Planting with a Purpose The Gospel when centralised and grasped in a persons life can be infectious and a surefire way of hardening peoples hearts or melting hearts. The puritans believed that the same sun that melts the ice hardens the clay. Not everyone will accept Jesus Christ as Lord, but If you don't model, preach, teach or disciple ... Continue Reading
Ministry isn’t all Sunshine & Rainbows
Ministry isn't all Sunshine & Rainbows Ministry is not for the glory hunters, the proud, or a place where you can set yourself on a pedestal. There are much easier ways to do that and Church leadership isn't that way. If you have been called to Church leadership, think carefully as to wether it is from God or if it is from your own heart ... Continue Reading
The Lord’s Prayer: Is God your prayer piñata
Monday Bible Study: The Lord’s Prayer (13/01/14) The Lord’s Prayer is probably one of the most well-known portions of Scripture. We see it in Luke Chapter 11:1–4 and also in Matthew Chapter 6:9–13. Its also perhaps one of the first passages that most of us learnt or were encouraged to memorise as children or when we first gave our life to ... Continue Reading
5 ways to kill repentance
The previous post was on repentance, well I thought it was only right we go through some things it is not (because I have done some myself). 1. Confessional repentance As mentioned in the previous post, repentance is a 180 degree turn away from sin. Confession acknowledges it but does nothing about it, without a repentance of the sin ... Continue Reading
Our Country is in desperate need of Heroes who embody integrity.
Our Country is in desperate need of Heroes who embody integrity. All around us leaders in different jobs, cultures and families are dropping like flies. Examples such as sexual sin of some degree or greed over power or money or an abuse of power. Integrity is lacking. WHAT IS INTEGRITY? The biblical understanding of integrity points to a ... Continue Reading
Pay your way out of Hell
INDULGENCES Saw this and was appalled http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jul/16/vatican-indulgences-pope-francis-tweets?CMP=twt_gu These are a way by which punishment for sin is reduced through a person's own sufferings. An indulgence removes the time needed to be spent in purgatory. It has become a loose doctrine to some Roman catholics ... Continue Reading
Just missed the bus, God must be punishing me for my sin.. Say what now?!?!
SIN Let me just say if you have this mentality that when something goes bad its God punishing you for your sin, you need to rebuke that thought because it most definitely is not from God; and that when you get a pay rise its because you've read your bible every morning, this mentality of God is false. Being a follower of Christ does ... Continue Reading
Does that sunset look broken to you?
Last year my wife and I went on our annual summer holiday to Portugal, the food was fresh and healthy, the sunsets were incredible and the sea was great for surfing but freezing. As I've been pondering on that visit i've been asking myself when God finally makes all things new as he promises throughout the scriptures, what will things look like? ... Continue Reading