Our Country is in desperate need of Heroes who embody integrity.
All around us leaders in different jobs, cultures and families are dropping like flies. Examples such as sexual sin of some degree or greed over power or money or an abuse of power. Integrity is lacking.
The biblical understanding of integrity points to a consistency between what is inside and what is outside, between belief and behaviour, between our words and our ways, our attitudes and our actions, our values and our practices. The other word the Bible uses for the word integrity is “Holiness”. God is Holy, He is Integrity. In our participation as believers and allowing the Holy Spirit to convict, change and renew us, we can be empowered to be men and women of integrity (2 Peter 1: 3 – 4).
My challenge to us is to live a life of Holiness, of Integrity. If you are a Christian leader in any context then I urge you to take your responsibility seriously, people will watch you and be influenced by you.
Respect your husband in the secret of your home, take responsibility men and lead your wife and family, loving her like Christ loves the Church, she’s not your mum (don’t be boys that shave). Get off that website, don’t gossip about that person, don’t put that person down to make you look better. You see where i’m going with this. Integrity.
May God be the focus of all we do in this life, that it would be for His Glory alone and not ours. Lets be Heroes who embody integrity and holiness. This can only come from having a relationship with God, from this key relationship all other relationships will flow.
I hope this blog post has been encouraging and useful to you.
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