The previous post was on repentance, well I thought it was only right we go through some things it is not (because I have done some myself).
1. Confessional repentance
As mentioned in the previous post, repentance is a 180 degree turn away from sin. Confession acknowledges it but does nothing about it, without a repentance of the sin itself. Leaving the sin un-dealt with and left to continue.
2. Religious repentance
Religious repentance is all about the other persons speck in their eye. For example it’s easy to see the sin in others lives without really looking at the sin within our own lives. If I hadn’t used the title “Religious repentance” then I think “Pharisaical repentance” would of sufficed. Religious people tend to be the self righteous, better than every one else, pious types. The result is that they think they are good, and everyone else is bad. The religious repenter has never really used the words, “I am sorry”, “It was my fault”, “I was wrong”. Religious people are known for overlooking their own sin, and talking about other peoples, maybe even sharing it in a life group to look really holy. (we’ve all done one of these at one time or another).
3. Gift repentance
Now this ones interesting. Gift repentance is where we confess a sin and turn from it and expect a small present or blessing from God because of our holiness and honesty; if I tell God I’m sorry, then he has to bless me, right?! Wrong!! Another example of this gift repentance comes into action when we think that just because we have confessed and turned away from the sin then God must cover for us and keep quiet about our sin. God cannot be manipulated, he cannot be used and he is not bound to anyone. He is sovereign, preeminent, free and LORD.
4. Blame Shifting repentance
To acknowledge the sin and shift it onto someone else is not proper repentance. Just look at Eve in the garden in Genesis, the serpent made me do it… Adam also doesn’t get off the hook because he says it was the woman that you yourself gave me Lord…. What?! Come on take responsibility for your own sin and actions guys (again we have done this at one time or another).
5. Excuse repentance
Excuse repentance says, i’m sorry but aren’t we all human after all, or I am sorry I spoke to you like that but I have rejection issues (which I did growing up as an adoptive child, thankfully adopted into an amazing loving God fearing family).
In these examples they all are saying that in that moment I want to look out for number 1 and make myself greater than God. The main killer to repentance is Pride, before you can repent you must lower yourself to God and offer up your life a fresh turning from that sin. Pride will say no I have done nothing wrong, I owe no one an apology and change of heart.. especially God.
However, “A deeply repentant person throws him or herself on the character of God.” – Eric Mason
Bless you and thanks for reading.
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