RI 60: Pneumatology Pt. 2 – The Deity of the Holy Spirit
The Informants discuss different portions of Scripture to demonstrate that the Holy Spirit is God.
Theology For The Church
Reformed Informants is a podcast devoted to biblical exposition, systematic theology, and practical application for the good of the church.
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The Informants discuss different portions of Scripture to demonstrate that the Holy Spirit is God.
The Informants kick-off their brand new Pneumatology series with an episode discussing why the Holy Spirit is often misunderstood. In addition, the Informants give a
The Informants dedicate this episode to answering questions from the Infantry aka their listeners. Thanks for the questions and keep them coming!
The Informants bring Kris Kdub Williams back to the show to continue their ongoing Wokeism series. This particular episode focuses on the corporate guilt aspect
The Informants bring Samuel Sey onto the podcast to discuss how Christians must think and act biblically regarding the travesty of abortion.
The Informants conclude their Christology series by discussing how the resurrection, ascension, and exaltation of Christ complete His work in terms of His first advent.
The Informants add to their Christology series by discussing the obedience of Christ in terms of satisfying the justice of God on the cross.
The Informants continue their Christology series by discussing the atonement.
The Informants walk through the first 18 verses of Hebrews chapter 10 in order to show the superiority of Christ’s sacrifice over the entire Old
The Informants bring Kris Kdub Williams onto the show to discuss Wokeism and how it undermines the biblical gospel.
The Informants continue working through their Christology series by examining the three offices of Christ.
The Informants continue their Christology series by discussing the mystery of the Hypostatic Union.
The Informants discuss the relationship between the church and the academy. Special guest – Obbie Tyler Todd.
The Informants continue to work through a 3-part mini series (within the Christology series) on the Person of Christ. This episode focuses solely on His
The Informants begin a 3-part mini series (within the Christology series) on the Person of Christ. This episode focuses solely on the Deity or Divinity
The Informants begin to unpack the doctrine of Christ by building a biblical argument for His existence before the foundation of the world.
The Informants open up the Word of God to let the objective standard of truth speak on the death of George Floyd and the destructive
The Informants lay a framework for their new series on the Doctrine of Christ. “It is the grand distinction of Christianity that all its doctrines
The Informants discuss whether or not COVID-19 is a sign of the last days and the return of Jesus Christ. The Informants bring Josh Sherrill
The Informants conduct a Q & A in response to questions submitted by RI subscribers.
The Informants navigate through Romans 13 and discuss submission to the government and what situations call for Christians to rebel against government.
The Informants look into the lives of the Apostle Paul and Jonathan Edwards to see how they disciplined themselves to use time wisely, for the
The Informants deal with the dangers of preferring online church over gathering with the body of Christ in person. Join us as we demonstrate from
The Informants explain various portions of Scripture to show how Christians should biblically respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Informants are back! After an extended hiatus for various reason (those of which are discussed in this episode), Lance Burroughs and TJ Daugherty are
The Informants walk through a familiar portion of Scripture from the Gospel of Mark.
The Informants discuss the supposed radical conversion of Kanye West.
The Informants discuss issues regarding Christians and drugs.
The Informants discuss issues regarding alcohol and Christian liberties.
The Informants unpack what the Bible teaches about original sin.
The Informants begin a 2-part series on the doctrine of sin.
The Informants go informal at a local coffee shop to discuss questions from listeners.
The Informants continue the Anthropology series by discussing Scriptures related to the fall of man.
The Informants continue the Anthropology series by discussing what it means to be made in the image of God.
The Informants provide a biblical perspective regarding the difficulty and controversy surrounding the issue of suicide.
The Informants go informal at a local coffee shop to discuss questions from listeners.
The Informants begin a new series discussing the biblical teaching on the doctrine of man.
The Informants go informal at a local coffee shop to discuss questions from listeners.
The Informants walk through Luke 15 and discuss the three parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son.
The Informants go informal at a local coffee shop to discuss questions from listeners.
The Informants discuss the biblical doctrine of holy angels.
Per multiple listener requests, the Informants address the controversial subject of homosexuality with special guest Josh Sherrill.
The Informants go informal at a local coffee shop to discuss questions and requests from the Infantry.
The Informants host special guest Jared Helms to discuss the importance of studying church history for Christian theology.
The Informants go informal at a local coffee shop to discuss questions and requests from the Infantry.
The Informants conclude the Theology Proper series by discussing God’s decrees, asking the question of whether or not God is ultimately in control of everything
The Informants lay out a theological and biblical response to recent tragedies, namely, the El Paso and Dayton shootings.
The Informants walk through Genesis 1 and consider the different theories on the age of the earth, and if the Scripture really teaches literal 24
The Informants give a biblical and pastoral critique of Josh Harris’ recent rejection of Christianity.
The Informants continue the Theology Proper series by considering the work of God in creating and sustaining the world. *Featuring special guest Josh Sherrill.
The Informants go informal at a local coffee shop to discuss questions from listeners.
The Informants continue the Theology Proper series by defining the framework for Trinitarian theology.
The Informants go informal at a local coffee shop to discuss questions from listeners.
The Informants continue the Theology Proper series with a cursory overview of the incommunicable and communicable attributes of God.
The Informants go informal at a local coffee shop to discuss questions from listeners.
The Informants begin a new series on Theology Proper by addressing the being and names of God.
The Informants go informal at a local coffee shop to discuss questions from listeners.
Per a listener request, The Informants tackle the dangers and distortions of the movement commonly referred to as the prosperity gospel.
The Informants go informal at a local coffee shop to discuss questions from listeners.
The Informants exegete a commonly misquoted verse – Philippians 4:13 – and answer the question of what it means to “do all things” through Christ.
The Informants go informal at a local coffee shop to discuss questions from listeners.
Per a listener request, The Informants devote an episode to the topic of biblical interpretation. LB also includes great material with a poor “attempt” to
The Informants tackle the overwhelming task of choosing which English translation of the Bible to purchase.
The Informants briefly survey the development of the Old and New Testament canon.
The Informants continue their Bibliology series by examing issues like the authority and sufficiency of Scripture.
The Informants answer a critical question throughout this episode – Is it possible for God to get his words on “paper” and do so without
The Informants exegete and exposit Acts 17.
The Informants discuss what theologians call the general and special revelation of God.
The Informants outline a 4-fold outline to a biblical gospel presentation | God – Man – Christ – Response
The Informants make a biblical case to argue that theology really does matter.
The Informants explain how theology isn’t just for “theologians” and scholars – All Christians are called to understand God’s Word.
The Informants define and discuss a working definition of theology.