The Absolute Unit Podcast

Making Gains For The New Christendom

What if we told you that making gains for the new Christendom was needed? What if we told you that masculine strength requires voluntary hardship? What if Joshua Jenkins told you the Biblical principles and motivations for being strong? What if we told you that bodily training is of some value? What if we told you the Bible has a theology of physical strength? What if Brandon Lansdown told you how weak Christian men can become strong, and that you can cut the flub and add muscle?

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Majoring in the Fundamentals with Matt Reynolds

In this episode we had the privilege to sit down and talk with Matt Reynolds, owner of Barbell Logic. He tells about how he began strength training and started Barbell Logic. Then we hear his thoughts on staying true to the fundamentals of strength training in a world with endless distractions.

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The TB12 Method

In this episode we break down the TB12 method of NFL QB Tom Brady by encouraging, reforming, and throwing out different aspects of it for the everyday man. Become an Absolute Unit.

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Intermittent Fasting

In this episode we take a deep dive into all things intermittent fasting. Why should you try intermittent fasting? How does it work when losing weight or building muscle? And so much more.

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Fit to Lead

Does it matter if our leaders are fit or strong? Does our physical build have an effect on our ability to lead institutions? We discuss these ideas through the lens of Constantine the Great.

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