We’re building the ultimate index of the best resources for young men!
This page is a crowd-sourced, reviewed, and ever-growing resource for you to browse and use to help you do things like find a church or ministry to get involved with, share the gospel, write a book, manage your money or time wisely, improve your public speaking, and many more things you may be wanting or needing to learn, do, or improve.

We have only begun, so check back often as we continue to develop this page! If you have recommendations (or would like to write up a tutorial, or help us in any way) please send us a message via the Contact page or leave a comment below!
The Ultimate Index Of Goodness
Click these links to hop down the page to what you’re after. We’ll continue to update and streamline this as necessary!
- Learn More About “The Gospel”
- Find A Gospel-Centered Church
- Find A Legit Collegiate / Campus Ministry
- Build, Lead, Or Find A Men’s Ministry
- Learn To Share The Gospel Well In Our Culture
- Better Your Preaching Or Public Speaking Skills
- Build An Online Platform / Website / Blog
- Write And Publish A Book
- Up Your Productivity And Stewardship In Life (Time, Money, & Resource Handling)
- Learn To Study The Bible Easily, Enjoyably, Accurately, And In Depth
- Further Your Education, Learn Theology, Church History, Apologetics, Etc. (Without Going Broke)
Learn More About The Gospel
No matter how long you’ve been a Christian, you never know all there is to know about the gospel message. If you think you do, it’s a certain sign you need to dive in much deeper into this infinitely-reaching reality. Here’s a few things we recommend:
Read the #GospelFoundations series on this blog – This is a series of posts we have carefully crafted, and continue to expand, on basics of the Christian faith and the Gospel message, what it means to be a Christian, and theological understandings that we feel are essential to accurately grasp. These are all written in easy-to-grasp language by ordinary guys. Nothing too fancy here. Just helpful.
We’ll have more resources here soon…
Find A Gospel-Centered Church
If you’re looking for a good church, one where you can actually learn about real Christianity and not some “get-rich-quick” scheme or non-biblical spin-off made by man, here’s a list of a few good organizations and networks with lists of churches in your local city:
Acts 29 Network – This is a great, interactive map for finding local churches within the Acts 29 network. Acts 29 is a governed network of evangelical Christian churches with a mission of helping churches flourish and plant more churches throughout the globe. The churches and leaders involved are reviewed and must hold to lifestyles, missions, and beliefs that we’d happily recommend you follow. Read them here.
The Gospel Coalition – This is a directory of evangelical churches who are supposed to subscribe to The Gospel Coalition’s (TGC) [super awesome] documents of faith, which are solid and rooted in scripture. Unlike the ACTS 29 network, TGC does not review all the churches in this directory, so use caution but know you’re pretty safe to bet it’s a good church. TGC is a fellowship of churches and leaders who agree with historical biblical evangelicalism and have a mission of making Jesus known.
9Marks – This page also has an interactive map and directory search. 9Marks is an organization and website that exists to help churches and church leaders stay healthy and thriving for the sake of displaying God’s glory to all nations. They too have a set of beliefs, nine marks in fact (hence the name), they believe make a healthy church, which are right on target! Churches must apply and be approved to be on the map.
NAMB Church Plants – This map is primarily for finding church plants (aka: start-ups) in each of the North American Mission Board’s major “Send Cities” which they have strategically targeted for planting churches. NAMB is a “sending” and “equipping” organization for Southern Baptist churches with a mission to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ across North America. Like many you’ll find in the Acts 29 network, these are undoubtedly churches that you could dive into and really help out with some service while still learning from trusted, reviewed leadership.
Find A Legit Collegiate / Campus Ministry
College years are tough. Are you a college student looking to get involved in a quality ministry with a focus on people your age? While we’d always point you to a church first, even some of the best churches can’t sustain a solid collegiate focus; so here are some of the best recommendations we know of. You’re likely to find one of these in action on your campus, but know that leadership makes a huge difference (i.e.: don’t judge them all by one bad experience).
Coming soon…
Up Your Productivity And Stewardship In Life (Time, Money, & Resource Handling)
Coming soon…
Further Your Education, Learn Theology, Church History, Apologetics, Etc. (Without Going Broke)
Coming soon…
We are creating the greatest resource list for Godly men, ever! If you have any recommendations you’d like to see added to the list, send us a message via the contact page or leave a note in the comments below! We appreciate the input and feedback!