The guys in the “back channels” of our community app know that we recently launched some new social media fun.
We are doing what we’re calling “TweetSeries” featuring tweets composed from guys in our community around a theme of their choice. We then trickle these out through the day on our ever-growing Twitter community.
It’s nothing earth-shaking, mind blowing, or life changing – although, maybe it could be for someone – but it’s simply a fun way to share the wisdom from the many sharp brothers in our community and promote thinking and conversations around some important topics.
We’ll recap them here on the blog after each series, and we’d love to hear your thoughts and input in the comments below or on Twitter!
#ScriptureIs by Reece Edwards
This series is on the topic of Scripture and composed by community member and author, Reece Edwards. Payte introduces us…
Launching our first TweetSeries, composed by @Edwards91Reece.
Follow #ScriptureIs.— The Majesty's Men (@themajestysmen) November 18, 2015
#ScriptureIs to be the ultimate source with which we test all of the decisions we make in life.
— The Majesty's Men (@themajestysmen) November 18, 2015
#ScriptureIs the authoritative Word of God, an unceasing fountain of knowledge, love, and truth which Jesus himself taught from.
— The Majesty's Men (@themajestysmen) November 18, 2015
#ScriptureIs even more powerful to save than to witness a dead body rise to life. (Luke 16:31)
— The Majesty's Men (@themajestysmen) November 18, 2015
#ScriptureIs meant to be read publicly to all without exception and not merely to those whom we assume will give it the best reception.
— The Majesty's Men (@themajestysmen) November 18, 2015
#ScriptureIs the comfort in the psalmist's affliction (Psalm 119:50). So sweet was this comfort that he then sang of his love for it (V 54).
— The Majesty's Men (@themajestysmen) November 18, 2015
#ScriptureIs the weapon which is guaranteed to destroy anything and everything that satan can throw at you.
— The Majesty's Men (@themajestysmen) November 18, 2015
#ScriptureIs written in order to revive the soul (Psalm 19:7). The splendor of God displayed in His law is meant to give hope to the weary.
— The Majesty's Men (@themajestysmen) November 18, 2015
Thank you @Edwards91Reece for composing the #ScriptureIs TweetSeries. Another contributor of ours will compose the next TweetSeries soon!
— The Majesty's Men (@themajestysmen) November 18, 2015
Great job Reece Edwards! Thanks for your sharing your wisdom!
Check out more posts by Reece here on the blog, and follow him at @Edwards91Reece on Twitter.
Now, if you have any thoughts on these tweets, please share them in the comments below and we’ll talk about it!