Episode 7 of “Ministry Minded” features Bill Brimer
In this week’s episode, Brad talks with Bill Brimer about Lutheranism, the beauty of liturgy, and the surreal experience of leading music in a worship service. Bill also shares his story behind his new album.
Bill is an associate pastor and director of music for Soul Thirst Church in The Colony, TX. He’s also an occasional contributor for Christ Hold Fast. Be sure to visit his website, billbrimer.com, where you can stream and download Bill’s brand new album, “Bill Brimer & the Skybirds.” And did I mention, it’s totally free! Go show Bill some love! Also, go follow him on Twitter: @billbrimer.
Table Talk, Martin Luther
Grace In Practice, Paul Zahl
Martin Luther’s Theology, Oswald Bayer
Living By Father, Oswald Bayer
Grace: So Much More Than You Know & So Much Better Than You Think, Brad J. Gray
Much obliged to Ryan Northfield for engineering and editing this episode. He’s incredibly talented and insightful. I’m grateful to have his input on each show. Thanks brother!
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