Ep. 34 – Being a Christian on Social Media

Discern Daily
Discern Daily
Ep. 34 - Being a Christian on Social Media

Discern Daily

Ep. 34 – Being a Christian on Social Media

On this episode, we discussed how Riley has been engaging others on his personal social media accounts. Recent events have ignited many interesting conversations online, but how should we respond to them as Christians? Join the discussion!


Episode Highlights

Many are quick to label others as racists, but we should avoid slandering one another. Each of us should join together to combat racism or any sin out there. Only, we need to do so righteously without partiality.

“You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness. You shall not fall in with the many to do evil, nor shall you bear witness in a lawsuit, siding with the many, so as to pervert justice, nor shall you be partial to a poor man in his lawsuit” (Exodus 23:1-3).

Here is one of the main examples of Riley’s posts which brought him a lot of heat for pointing out what he did (it will only show a few comments publicly, but the post itself had over 140 comments on it):



Here is an example of one of his tweets that wasn’t the mainstream take:


As a whole, social media is currently a hot mess. Do we back away from it and leave it alone, or do we speak up and engage more online?

The Kingdom isn’t a matter of being on the Right or the Left — it’s about whether or not you’re spiritually dead or alive.

How exactly should we partner online as brothers in Christ in order to make a positive impact?


Picture of Payte Johnson

Payte Johnson

Payte is a husband and father from Kansas who hosts the Discern Daily podcast show. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Religion from Liberty University with experience in church planting and serving as a local church elder. In his free time he enjoys playing drums and disc golfing.

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