Luke 6:43 – “No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit”
Galatians 5:22-23 is one of the most memorized scriptures in the bible. This scripture speaks of the fruit that comes out of being part of Jesus and having the Spirit within. It lists many different “fruits” that should be produced from us.
So let’s discuss the fruits and what they should truly look like in our lives. (This is part 4 of a series on the “Fruit of The Spirit” by Nolan!)

Peace on Earth…
“Peace on earth, as it is in heaven” is part of one of the most memorized prayers in the world but what does peace really look like?
For God, He calls us to have peace with one another and within ourselves, but where is peace actually described?
Jesus begins to describe His peace when he promises the Holy Spirit in John 14:25-27.
He says that His peace is not a peace of this world but the peace from heaven.
He tells the disciples to not fear or be anxious but, rather, to stay calm.
This is a lot to ask at this moment when you consider that He has just told them that He is leaving them in the near future.
He follows this up with a promise though that He is coming back for them, for us, His disciples.
That being said, He also states that He didn’t bring peace to this world. He knew that strife would follow Him and His people (John 16:33). But if you consider this carefully, He once again points out that His plan should bring you the peace for “He has overcome the world.”
The world doesn’t experience peace, but we as his people do! Even now!
What more peaceful thought is there than that our Lord will be back for us?
This is the ultimate promise, the promise that can reassure us throughout all our struggles that we may face.
What is there for us to worry about if He has promised to come back for us?
When we struggle, we know that He is has made a promise that this world is only temporary and that He has made a place for us in heaven (John 14:2).
The Plan…
Another comforting thought to take from the Bible is the fact that Jesus knows His plan for us (Ephesians 1:11). What is there to worry about when he has already planned where we will be and how we will get there?
Doesn’t that make every choice easier?
This means that literally everything we choose to do has been planned through by our God and therefore He will use it to do His will!
Take comfort comrades that the Lord is preparing us a place and has not abandoned us. Take comfort in what God has planned for us.
Enjoy the tranquility of that thought. Praise the Lord!