This short documentary on the exemplary and (though he wouldn’t like the term) “legendary” writer, thinker, teacher, and man of God, J.I. Packer, is an excellent and moving reminder of the kind of men we want to be.
“…a voice that focused on the authority of the Bible; the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ; the wonder of his substitutionary sacrifice and atonement for our sins. A voice calling christian people to holiness and challenging lapses in Christian moral standards. Someone who was always courteous in controversy, but without compromise.”
He has been this man and more for so many of us, as well as those before us and those who will come behind us! He is a strong model of a man who spent a life in joyful, blessed, service to his majesty.
“I ask you to thank God with me for the way that he’s lead me, and I wish, hope, and pray you enjoy the same clear leading and help in doing the tasks that he sets you that I have enjoyed. And, if your joy matches my joy as we continue in our Christian lives, well, you will be blessed indeed.”
Enjoy this brief chat with J.I. Packer — a man you can model your life after.
J. I. Packer: In His Own Words from Crossway on Vimeo.
This short video was made by Crossway for the promotion of the new book, J.I. Packer: An Evangelical Life.
So, will you be buying this book from Crossway? Are you an avid J.I. Packer reader already? What are some of your favorites and why? Please tell us in the comments below!