Ligon Duncan Shares A Wise And Godly Strategy For Social Media Use

Picture of The Majesty's Men Admin
The Majesty's Men Admin

Ligon Duncan give us a Godly and wise social media strategy as well as an example of what responsible leadership in the public sphere looks like.

With a quick thread of tweets he outlines 10 simple strategic commitments he has for his social media use that we’d all do well to emulate. In fact, it’s great advice even when not on social media.

So The Majesty’s Men made it into a nice little interactive Twitter Moment so that you can check it out, give it a Like, give it a share, and best of all, give it some practice in your own life. 


You have anything you’d add? Let’s hear it in the comments below.

P.S. Who wants to make these rules into a nice little print-out / download for our shop so we can hang this strategy on the wall and practice it daily?


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