The following post is a speech that was given at the abortion abolition rally at the Missouri State Capitol in Jefferson City on the tenth of March, the year of our Lord two thousand twenty one.
My fellow Missourians and abortion abolitionists, we are gathered here today in the name of the Triune God and for a most important cause. Indeed this is the most important and most urgent cause of civil justice in our day. And one of the many reasons why there are not even more people here today is because this issue has been completely sanitized and lied about. People call the murder and slaughtering of little children in the womb nice sounding terms like “abortion,” “choice,” “reproductive rights,” or “healthcare.” And when a woman goes through with one of these nice sounding things, they say that her pregnancy has been “terminated.” When in reality, her baby has been ripped apart, burned alive, or starved to death, to name a few options. We are also told that the pro-life movement is against abortion. When in reality, they are for it, so long as the child is young enough or the facility is clean enough. Those are the laws of our state: we can murder children so long as they are young enough and the facility is clean enough. We are in no position to boast about being one of the most “pro-life” states, if that is what being pro-life means. Throughout the Bible we find that it is one of the most dangerous things to look out over your land and boast about all the works of your hands.
We are here, many of us, because we know that abortion is the murder of an innocent preborn baby. And it is protected by the laws of our state. There is no packaging you can put on it, to change what it is. It is murder by being ripped apart, or by having your skull crushed, or by being burned alive, or starved to death with a pill, or some other procedure – it matters not how it takes place to know that it is wicked, pagan, and barbaric. It is a shame that this has happened for decades now in our state which is filled with so many churches, and Christian institutions. Is not Missouri one of the most heavily churched areas of the entire world in our modern day, and yet we have allowed this atrocity to go on without so much as a peep? This explains why we have a heavily Republican state with pro-life legislators, that have done nothing except to continue to regulate the murder of unborn children. The Church taught them that “we are okay with regulating the murder of preborn babies.” Know this: judgment starts in the household of God.
But we are here today with many Christians from across the state of Missouri, with many churches represented, with some good pastors here. We can look out across the state of our nation, and the state of the church in our nation, and we can see that God is dealing with His people. He is dealing with us in one way or another. The brethren are being strengthened and brought to repentance, and those who were not of us, are beginning to go out from us. And when Christian men are dealt with by their Lord, and when they are brought to repentance, and strengthened with a clean conscience through the blood of Jesus, they are the most unstoppable people on this earth. And one of the things that those kind of Christian men do is defend the lives of women and children. And when other men, who sit on supreme courts or write laws for a living say that it is okay to murder little babies in the womb, Christian men don’t sit by quietly, they do something!
There are many Christians here today because we just want to honor our Lord Jesus and defend the defenseless, and we see the necessity of speaking to and discipling our governing authorities. Our message to our governing authorities is this: First, we are sorry that we have not been here earlier. We let you guys think that it was okay to protect the murder of innocent children in the womb. But do not allow our past inactions to be the arbiter of truth. And so we say, Jesus Christ is not honored by pro-life laws that regulate murder by saying “the murder of children in the womb is permitted up to this point and as long as a facility is this clean.” That does not honor Jesus Christ, it is nothing more than spraying perfume on a rotting dead corpse. It’s no different than thinking murderous communist dictators are civilized because they wear an expensive sharp looking suit. And we are here to tell our legislators, that the Church of Jesus Christ in the state of Missouri is not asking you to be pro-life. We don’t want any more pro-life bills that sanction the killing of our children. We are not supporting that anymore. We want righteousness. We want total and immediate abolition of abortion, and nothing less. And ultimately it is not about what we want, as a constituency, it is about what the one true God of heaven and earth wants.
When you read about the kings of Israel in the Old Testament, you will find that many of them were wicked kings, who set up high places of worship to the Baals and false gods, and led their people into idolatry, cult-prostitution, and even sacrificing their children to these false gods. Then, as you read through, at times there would be a good king who would come along and return to serving the one true God. He would remove the Asherah poles and various idols. Yet in so many of these cases, despite all the reform that seemed so good, the Bible tells us something like, “nevertheless the king did not remove the high places…” Those of course were the high places of worship to the Baal’s and false gods. They made good reform, but they did not remove every last bit of idolatry, they did not tear down the high places. Because of this, none of their reform lasted. Folks, by way of application, that is a description of the incrementalist pro-life movement. It looks like they make a bunch of good regulations and reforms, and yet the high places have not been removed. We are actually in a very dangerous position right now. We brag about being one of the most pro-life states, and yet that ominous phrase can be said about us: we have not removed the high places. We can regulate abortion all we want, but unless we remove the high places, by totally abolishing it, we are harboring seeds of rebellion, judgment, and destruction. Jesus Christ does not tolerate idols. If we want our state to have a future on this earth, it begins with removing the high places. We are here today to say: “tear those high places down!”
But the ultimate reason we are all here today, is because Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Yes, we are here today because Jesus Christ rose from the dead, and is currently seated at the right hand of God in Heaven. “What does that have to do with abortion in Missouri,” you ask? I answer: “Everything.” After Jesus Christ rose from the dead He said, “All authority in Heaven and on Earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” Since Jesus Christ came to this earth and put on human flesh over two thousand years ago, died on a cross, and rose again from the dead on the third day, all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to him. The authority of Christ is not just in Heaven, it is not just in some spiritual realm, and it is not just in the Church. The authority of Jesus Christ extends over all the earth. That includes the state of Missouri. That includes Jefferson City. That includes every doctor’s office, every abortion mill, and every mother’s womb. That includes this capitol building, and every piece of legislation. The very ground that we are standing on belongs right now at this very moment to the Lord Jesus Christ, because He died and shed His blood to purchase it, and have it for His own, and when He rose from the dead it was given to Him. This means that we must obey Him. Our legislators must obey Him. Our police must obey Him. There is not a single dark back room where Missouri Right to Life has to hide from the authority of Jesus Christ. So come into the light.
And right now, as we speak, at this very moment, Jesus Christ is in the process of putting every one of His enemies under His feet. As 1 Corinthians 15:20-26 tells us, 20 But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. 21 For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive. 23 But each in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, then at his coming those who belong to Christ. 24 Then comes the end, when he delivers the kingdom to God the Father after destroying every rule and every authority and power. 25 For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. 26 The last enemy to be destroyed is death.
This means that one day, we are guaranteed that abortion will be ended. One day the bloodshed will be stopped. What is stopping that from being this year, here in the state of Missouri? We’ve got a bill that would do it – why not now? What is stopping us? The only thing stopping us is our sin. There is only one way out of this mess. And that is to repent, to turn away from our sin and this great evil. We have a God who stands ready to forgive in Christ. He can forgive our apathy, he can forgive our idolatry of comfort and ease, He can forgive murderers, would we but come to Him. There is no one else to blame but ourselves. The blood of the innocent slain cries out to God against us to condemn us, and God will answer.
But while we are here, we yet have reason to hope. We have reason to hope because we live in a world where Jesus Christ rose from the dead. And since Jesus rose from the dead He can forgive our sins, He can grant repentance, He can heal our land, He can expose and make right the corruptions and ungodly politicking of this city. We have reason to hope, because, since Jesus Christ rose from the dead, He can end abortion, and since He rose from the dead, He will end abortion. Let us give Jesus Christ the crown rights due to Him. May God bless these abolition efforts, raise up more foot soldiers of the cross, and give us men with courage. In the name of the Triune God, Amen.
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