For many Christians it seems that prayer is one of the most difficult disciplines to maintain.
Often times, when things in our life are going well we tend to pray less, if at all. This is sin, and we know it. We know that we are to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5v17) in all circumstances – whether good or bad.
Then, after seasons of inconsistent, or non-existent praying, we enter into seasons where we are very aware of our need to pray. This could be when really tough things happen, or when really important things are on our plates that we want God to work out.
Regardless of what the situations may be, we begin to condemn ourselves. We think that since we have not been in prayer as we should, we cannot come to God with our big needs or wants. Feelings of guilt hover over us like a gray cloud of shame. “How can I pray to God now that I really need something, when I haven’t talked to him in weeks?”
But Christian, do not listen to the lies or fall prey to condemnation. The thought that we cannot go to God in prayer because we know we are only going to God because we need something is the accusations of the devil. Those thoughts are what the devil wants us to think. But let us not listen to his voice, let us, as Martin Luther says, spite the devil. And let us spite him by praying to the God that owns him, through the Jesus that has defeated him.
It does not matter how inconsistent your prayer life has been – go to God in prayer. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8v1) who have had inconsistent prayer lives. The cloud of guilt that hovers over us is nothing more than a fantasy; for all guilt and shame has been vanquished at the cross. No matter how inconsistent your prayer life has been, go to God in prayer; and do not condemn yourself where God has not.
By the power of the Spirit (Romans 8v26) let us return to the throne of grace (Hebrews 4v16) where we find Jesus interceding to the Father for us (Romans 8v34). While our prayer lives have been inconsistent, the prayer life of Jesus for his bride is perfectly consistent.
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