If you’re anything like me, you might have a mild interest in government and economics, which is good and fine. A Christian biblical worldview in fact has a bit to say on those matters. So it is right that pastors should be informed to one degree or another on those issues. Personally, there are several podcasts of that nature that I enjoy listening to. I was recently listening to one in particular and began to be a bit discouraged. If you take a logical look at the state of our economy and the turmoil our world is in, it is very easy to fall into a pessimistic trap of fear or anxiety. America could legitimately collapse quite hard at any time, really. I am a preacher, but I work a full time job to support my family. My mind is prone to wander and borrow worry for the future of my job and family in our economy’s impending financial crisis. If I stay there, it is dangerous. If you’re anything like me, you might fall into this trap as well. I know that there are numerous pastors in situations similar to mine.
As I fall into the sin of borrowed worry and anxiety, the Holy Spirit pulls me close and reminds me of my calling: I am preacher. I may be a small time preacher, but I preach a big time God. My bank account may not be overflowing with money, but the gospel I preach is of eternal value. The calling of a preacher is not dependent on the ever shifting economy. It is measured by the economy of the Kingdom (which, by the way, is far more real).
Fellow pastors and preachers: do not lose heart. The King of the universe has called you to herald His Word to a lost and dying world. That’s job security. Our Father will provide for us. Our job description is clear: preach the Word in season and out of season. The economy of preaching the never changing Word of God is as stable as it gets. Sinners and saints need it. The market value is soaring for faithful gospel preaching. The God who raises up and puts down kings and kingdoms, presidents and nations, has you firm in his grip. Preach on. In Christ, we’ll be rich forever.
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