“You have no heart! You are heartless!” These phrases we often hear in response to someone who has just done or said something that we consider to be quite inhumane or inconsiderate of another human being or beings. The phrase is meant to convey the idea that the human heart is loving, kind, compassionate, and […]
The Christian’s Top Priorities
Christian, does your life revolve around a healthy set of priorities? When you first wake up in the morning, where does your mind go to? For many of us, if we are being completely honest, our minds are often filled with the cares and worries of this world, rather than a Christ-saturated mentality. However, as […]
What Matters Most
Get a degree; then another one, and another one. Get a good job. Make lots of money. Live in a nice area and get a nice house. Drive a fancy car. Hang out with prestigious people. Be successful. Retire young and move to a beach house on a golf course and spend your evenings […]