In my previous post I talked about some gospel that I saw in the movie, Million Dollar Arm. There is one more gospel picture in the movie that I wanted to write on. I didn’t feel that it fit with my last post, thus I’ve given it it’s own post. In the movie, sports agent J.B. Bernstein […]
Million Dollar Gospel
The movie, Million Dollar Arm, is one of my top five favorite baseball movies. I recently re-watched the movie for the first time in a while. As I re-watched the film, I caught on to a few details that I had overlooked before. Primarily, I noticed two little quotes that were brilliant. I noticed […]
The Insensitivity of the Cross
“The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” + Genesis 6v5 “For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander.” + Matthew 15v19 At the cross, God did not […]
What’s So Great About the NBA Draft?
Last Thursday night was an event that only avid NBA fans were excited about: the NBA Draft. This is where NBA organizations get the opportunity to select college or international players to join their team. As a hardcore NBA fan, I love the NBA draft. But what’s so great about the NBA draft? Besides the […]
The Impossible
Last night my wife and I watched the movie, “The Impossible.” Sound the spoiler alert alarm! The movie is about a family who vacationed in Thailand during the time of the Indian Ocean earthquake in 2004 that caused massive tsunami’s in several different countries around the Indian Ocean, including Thailand. It is a well-made, emotionally […]