Everyone loves a good bargain. I for one, love a bargain as much as the next man. Whether it’s finding a good deal or engaging in actual negotiations, everyone loves the feeling of paying less than full price. My clothes shopping motto is, “never pay full price.” It makes me feel good. It makes me […]
Grace Only
“But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ – by grace you have been saved…” + Ephesians 2v4&5 Is grace enough? If you are a Christian it is because God has saved you […]
Why Me?
“The gospel story is designed to affect us emotionally – and our emotions are designed to be affected by its beauty and glory. It touches our hearts at their tenderest parts, shaking us deeply to the core. We should be utterly humbled that we are not more emotionally affected than we are.” + Jonathan Edwards, […]
God Only Saves By Grace
“The gospel is an unrelenting assault on graceless religion, on all the ways we try to avoid grace.” + Scotty Smith As I read this quote from the commentary notes in the Gospel Transformation Bible, the grace of God struck me upside the head. Christianity is the only religion where grace is the means of […]
The Surety of Acceptance
See Christ yonder, sitting at his Father’s right hand! Believer! He is the pledge of thy glorification; he is the surety of thine acceptance; and, moreover, he is thy representative. I imagine emotion oozing from Charles Spurgeon’s voice backed by unction from his gut, as he preached these words. Truer yet, I imagine a particular […]