For many Christians it seems that prayer is one of the most difficult disciplines to maintain. Often times, when things in our life are going well we tend to pray less, if at all. This is sin, and we know it. We know that we are to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5v17) in all […]
A Verse You Cannot Ignore
In 1 Samuel 2v25 you will find a stunning sentence that participates in a greater theme throughout the Bible – the will of man and the sovereignty of God. Here’s the verse: “But they would not listen to the voice of their father, for it was the will of the Lord to put them to […]
Jesus the Judge
The book of Judges is a provocative and puzzling book of the Bible. Containing numerous stories of Israel’s repeated rebellion and redemption it can leave you scratching your head as you read the final verse of the book: “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own […]
Behold, the Lamb of God
I was recently reading John 1 v 29-51, saw some magnificent things, and now I have to write about it. So before you read this, read that passage to get some context on what I’m saying. Now that you’ve read the passage, let’s dive right in. v 29 begins with a massive theological statement from […]
Jesus, Forever Fascinating
The problem with humanity is that we are far too easily fascinated by things that don’t matter, and not nearly fascinated enough with the things that do matter. This is also true with people who claim to be Christians. Many Christians are far too caught up in anything and everything but Christ and what He […]