12 “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. (John 15:12-13) Love is Self-Sacrificial One of the many distinctions between the one true God and every other false religion is that the one true God […]
Embracing Death: Commentary on Genesis 49v28-50v14
Embracing Death Jacob is a man who has spent much of his life, on the run, fearing for his life, running for his life, to preserve it. First he ran for his life from Esau, then he ran for his life from Laban, then he wrestled with God for his life, then he feared his […]
His Dying Breath Has Brought Us Life: Commentary on Genesis 49v1-27
In this chapter we see a great deal of length and detail given to Jacob’s blessing of his sons. We must understand that there are great thematic elements of a father’s blessing to his sons on display here that are a theme throughout Scripture, and carried on into the gospel itself. There are many […]
The Inevitability of Death and the Christian Hope Therein Springing Forth from Genesis 23 Concerning Sarah’s Death and Burial
This post is based on Genesis 23 thus making it best understood after reading that passage. As human beings, our mortality is an inescapable reality of our existence. Death is something that surrounds us, our entire lives. Everyday thousands of people around the world are born, and thousands of people die. The indiscriminate reality of […]