In the last year or two there has been a rise of videos circulating of angry parents at school board meetings. These are of course government, or public, school board meetings.
I first remember seeing videos, or at least a lot of angry tweets, a little over a year ago of parents upset that their schools were not open, or upset that there were all kinds of restrictions, due to the scamdemic. They were upset because the government school boards were “taking away” their child’s “education.” Now, these parents were correct that it certainly was (and is) a scamdemic, or plandemic, or shamdemic, or whatever other name you want to call it that is more accurate than “pandemic.” But as I said over a year ago, it is a loser move to clamor for the government that shut everything down, to open the government schools back up. Do you really want a tyrannical and lying government “educating” your children? They have no idea what is truth, nor do they have any standard by which they must tell the truth. But the real irony was in ever thinking that the government shutting the schools down was robbing your child of their education (spoken like a true government school graduate who probably had a 4.0 GPA). If you think you know better than your government school board, then why on God’s green earth would send your children to receive such an inferior education?
Even though they may deny it with their mouths, they are acting in accordance with the lie that the government owns their children. After all, they have given their children to the government, and begged the government to take them back when it shut down.
Worse than this was the second wave of videos that began to make the rounds. Once the schools were back in session, so were the mask mandates. Scores of videos surfaced of red faced parents yelling at masked zombies about how they are abusing their elementary aged children by forcing them to wear a face diaper all day long, including at recess. Now I agree that forcing a child to wear a muzzle is indeed abuse, and I have no sympathy for abusers. But dare I ask, “who’s doing the abusing?” If everyday you send your 9-year-old to a prison-like building where there are adults who abuse them, and you know that they are being abused there, then who is the real abuser? If you say your children are being abused and yet you continue to send them to their abusers, either you don’t really believe they are being abused, or you are complicit in the abuse. How can you be upset that the government schools dictate the rules for your child, when you gave your child to them?
Instead of such parents being reprimanded for their abusive behavior, the major conservative news outlets and talking heads were championing these parents as real heroes of the republic. And this, my friends, is why conservatives are the real losers. They think they are being heroic by getting angry at the people that they continue to send their children to for their abusive education. I haven’t even mentioned the CRT being taught, the sexualization and perversion of children, and men dressing like women who proceed to rape teenage girls in bathrooms while the upset dad is the one arrested.
So, if conservatives want to quit being losers, they can become Christians by receiving the free grace of Jesus who shed his blood for the forgiveness of their sins. They can then quit being conservatives and submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in every area of life, including their child’s education and thus raise them in the fear and admonition of the Lord.
Many conservative parents have right impulses but they’re standing on sinking sand. It doesn’t matter how much they huff and puff and vent their anger, they’ve already given up the standard of God’s Word and are playing by the enemy’s rules. If your kids are in the government schools, then you’ve already lost. If they are, and you don’t know what the problem is, then you’re getting smoked. There is a better way: keep your children and educate them under the authority of Christ. You’ll need a solid church community to be able to do that. Many of you don’t have that and you need to find one. The enemy desperately doesn’t want you to.
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