The sexual revolution has come full circle.
The movement that thought they were throwing off the chains of sexual restraint are now putting new chains on. Recently, Canada’s chief public health officer has recommended that Canadians wear masks when engaging in sexual intercourse. Apparently when you combine rampant immorality with COVID-crazy you get some real comedy gold. Such a suggestion shows the hilarity of the worldview that wants total autonomy from God, while still having a total god-like state. But wait, there’s more. The doctor went on to say that she ultimately recommends refraining from intercourse altogether and suggests that you just stick to “pleasuring” yourself. Look who the prudes are now. The people who wanted so-called sexual freedom to do whatever with whomever, whenever with no consequences, are now calling for “solo sex” and masks if you can’t help yourself. God has driven them mad, which is what we should expect when there is no fear of Yahweh, for the Bible tells us that the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.
Now, when this doctor recommends that you refrain from hookups, she of course is not suggesting that singles should instead practice Christian chastity. She instead suggests a perverted self-lust. This is because their self is their god. Since Yahweh is not their God, they degrade sex down to a mere tool to quench their lustful appetites. This is a misuse of sex. In 1 Corinthians 7, we are taught that our bodies are not our own. In marriage, the husband has authority over his wife’s body, and the wife has authority over the husband’s body. This means that sex is not just for ourselves, but for the other – for each other. In marriage, the husband and wife are to seek to please the other person first and foremost, not just their own desires. So when a doctor recommends that you stick to “pleasing yourself,” you can know that is a perversion and degradation of sexuality, for sex is for the other (spouse).
Furthermore, we also see in 1 Corinthians 7 that husband and wife are not to refrain from having relations, except for possible short times dedicated to prayer, which indeed should be short. (This doctor has apparently not read 1 Corinthians 7). The language used here is “do not deprive one another.” It does not say “do not deprive yourself.” Even in this language it is clear that sex is about the other, not yourself.
The new law of the revolutionaries that you must wear a mask during intercourse not only degrades sex, but also degrades human beings. This new law reveals (what we already knew) that for them, sex is only about the physical body and the pleasure it can give, and not about intimacy with the other person (your spouse). Wanting to have sex with someone while not wanting to see their face is an incredibly degrading insult. But just as big of an insult is wanting to have sex with someone but not wanting to marry them (and doing so first). Since they have long accepted that insult, the new one should be of no surprise. “Cover your face during sex,” as if your face is not important in sex. I hope you can see over your mask that these masks are inherently degrading to a person (especially in this context) and inherently block intimacy. But the revolutionaries do not care, because that’s not what sex is for them. It is lust. It is sex without God’s rules; which is to say, prudish and lame.
I hope you can see that when you think you are throwing off biblical restraints and boundaries for sexuality, you are not throwing off restraints and boundaries, you are just throwing off God’s, and trading them for new restraints and boundaries. It’s not whether we have boundaries, but which boundaries we have. This is to say that when the sexual revolutionaries thought they were declaring sexual freedom, they were not. They were actually entering true slavery. Sin is not freedom, it is chains. God’s rules are not chains, they are freedom. God’s law is the law of liberty. All other law, is tyranny. This includes the rules Canada’s health doctor has laid out. Wearing a mask during sex is tyranny. God says that if it is sex with our spouse, we can take it all off. His perfect law is freedom. So it is that the revolutionaries don’t actually want sexual freedom. Rather, they want, crave, and need sexual rules. They just don’t want God’s. They don’t really want the government out of their bedroom, they just want a Christian-principled government out of their bedroom.
Not only has God driven the wicked into madness, but with each degree of madness comes a new way in which God keeps them from reproducing at a rate which would out-produce the Christians. First they started using birth control, then a bunch of them started being gay, then they started killing their babies, then they stopped getting married and having babies until 35, and now they’re just at home masturbating.
So Christians, let’s have a good chuckle and keep plodding along. While the world is abstaining from true God-ordained sexual joy, let us partake with our spouses. While the world has become sexually unproductive, let us get productive with our spouses. There has never been a better time to out-produce them. At such a rate we will, before too long, inherit the earth and conquer the world. But let us remember that will only happen through God’s perfect law of liberty and remaining within the boundaries of the covenant of marriage as God has ordained. It is obedience that God honors. Disobedience only leads to judgment and the current hilarity.
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