“Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” + Ephesians 1:2
“‘Grace to you.’ Paul begins every letter with an implicit reminder to his readers of God’s active & default posture towards his children.” + @forthechurch
Amazing. In, through, and because of the work of Christ on our behalf the holy and just God of the universe has set his grace upon us – wretched, poor, and weak sinners. Instead of getting what we deserve – hell – we get grace. God, who should and has every right to throw us into hell, doesn’t. Instead, he throws us into His grace, and His grace onto us. While we stand guilty before a holy God, God sees us as perfectly righteous, as righteous as His Son, Jesus, because we are clothed in Jesus’ very righteousness. What grace is this? There is therefore no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. Only grace. Grace upon Grace. From His fullness we have each received grace upon grace.
In Christ, God’s natural bent toward us is no longer wrath and judgement, but grace and peace. We don’t get what we deserve, we get grace. In Christ God is not angry with you, but happy with you; doesn’t hate you, but loves you; He is not disappointed with you, but pleased with you; He is not indifferent towards you, but cares for you; He is not distant from you, but near to you; He doesn’t punish you, but rewards you; He does not reject you, but accepts you; He will not leave you, He remains faithful; He is not disgusted with you, but rejoices in you.
And all of this, is not because of us, but because of Christ. This is what Christ purchased for us.
When you wake in the morning, God’s grace shines on you. When you stray from God during the day, God’s grace is not removed from you, but moves in relentless pursuit after you. When you sleep at night, you can sleep deeply, because no matter how many times you screwed up during the day, God is pleased with you, because He is pleased with Christ. So while you sleep deeply, God’s grace in Christ keeps you.
Brothers and sisters, our Father is gracious. He is full of grace towards us. And no matter how terrible or disappointing of children we think we’ve been. Our Father addresses us by saying, “grace to you.”
“Grace and peace, oh how can this be? Lawbreakers and thieves for the worthless the least. You have said that our judgement is death for all eternity, without hope, without rest.
Oh, what an amazing mystery, that Your grace has come to me.
Grace and peace, oh how can this be? The Matchless King of all paid the blood price for me. Slaughtered Lamb, what atonement You bring, the vilest sinner’s heart can be cleansed, can be free.
Oh, what an amazing mystery, that Your grace has come to me.
Grace and peace, oh how can this be? The tongues of gratefulness ever rise, never cease. Loved by God and called as a saint. My heart is satisfied in the riches of Christ.
Oh, what an amazing mystery, that Your grace has come to me.”
+ “Grace and Peace” by Sovereign Grace Music
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