“But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ – by grace you have been saved…” + Ephesians 2v4&5
Is grace enough?
If you are a Christian it is because God has saved you by grace alone, according to His wealth of mercy. There are no good works necessary for you to add. There are no good deeds that assist in such a great salvation. There is no earning or paying allowed. Jesus has paid it all.
Yet much of our time is spent draining ourselves of effort and energy in trying to earn the very thing that was given to us. We put in so much grit and grind into trying to pay off what Jesus paid in full. We so often act as if grace is not enough.
It is wrong and sinful to believe and act as if we have some part in justifying ourselves. But it is our natural tendency for our law driven fleshly nature. It is precisely because our natural selves are sinful, and sinfully driven that we need the precious gift of salvation by grace alone – apart from our good deeds.
The only remedy for putting to bed our thoughts and efforts of grace plus works is grace and grace alone. What we need is not works, but repentance of our works, and the slinging of ourselves on to the person of Jesus. He stands, pierced hands open wide, ready to give and give and give, grace upon grace. But don’t you dare come to Jesus with your spiritual resume – for that He will not accepted. His hands our not open to receiving your sinful efforts at self justification. He only gives. He wants our repentance. He wants our hearts. He wants just us, not the things we do.
Is this grace enough?
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