This short message was preached in the rotunda of the Missouri State Capital building in Jefferson City, MO, February 9th, the year of our Lord 2022, during Abolish Abortion Mo’s Abolition Rally.
Greetings to you all in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Abolition Defined
We are abortion abolitionists. What is abolition? The most fundamental aspect of abolition is that it is a specifically Christian position with the Word of the Living God as our foundation and standard of authority. And in the Scripture we learn that God despises partiality in the law, as Deuteronomy 1:17 says, “You shall not be partial in judgment. You shall hear the small and the great alike. You shall not be intimidated by anyone, for the judgment is God’s…” And also as Proverbs 20:10 says, “Unequal weights and unequal measures are both alike an abomination to the LORD.”
As Abolitionists we believe what God’s Word says and simply want to apply these biblical principles to our laws today concerning the murder of children in the womb. Presently, every state in the union, including our own, has laws that are partial in judgment and that show unequal weights – and these laws are abominations to God. He hates them. And so should we. And the laws that I am speaking of, are laws that have been established by pro-life legislators. They are laws that have been cheered and applauded by Christians all over the nation. All of our pro-life laws give legal protection to those who murder, or hire someone to murder, their unborn child in their mother’s womb as long as they are young enough and in the circumstances.
If someone were to murder me, they would be punished as a murderer, yet in this state, if a mother and/or an abortionist murders a baby in the mother’s womb, they are legally protected and nothing will happen to them in terms of the law. Folks, that is partiality and unequal weights and measures. It is a refusal to hear the small and the great alike. It robs the rights of the smallest among us who are in their mother’s wombs.
The truth is that we have been so desensitized to how wicked this actually is. It is absolutely insane that someone would not get away with murdering me, but they are legally protected if they kill their child in the womb or hire someone to kill their child in the womb. That is insane! It is not the sign of a healthy society. It is not the sign of a society with common sense. It is the sign of a deranged and deluded society that is crumbling and collapsing under the judgment of God. And the fact that people will mock and scoff at the idea that maybe just maybe God is angry with us for shedding innocent blood to the tune of millions in the last 40 years, shows us just how given over and debased we are. Lord Jesus, have mercy upon us.
Psalm 60
Psalm 60 is a Psalm about God’s chastisement of His people and then His restoration of them. Verse 3 says, “You have made your people see hard things; you have given us wine to drink that made us stagger.” Folks, our society is in an absolute drunken stupor. We are staggering around like drunks, and it is from wine that God has made us to drink. We live in a society that has rejected Christ, we have rejected God’s Word, we have mocked and slandered our Christian ancestors, and God has said, “Okay, you want to act like a drunken fool, drink this.” And now any young girl can walk right into her local pharmacy and take a pill which will murder the child that has been conceived in her womb. Pro-life people in this state have boasted and bragged about how surgical abortions are down so much in our state, yet they act as if there is not a bloody flowing river of death still happening all around us because women are popping death pills like candy! Folks, it is not an improvement, or progress that the main way babies are being murdered in our state is through popping a pill that a young person can just go to walmart and pickup. It is absolutely insane that pills are created specifically to kill babies in the womb and you can go to the grocery store and buy them whenever you want.
Abolition – A Work of God
How do we change course? How do we get out of this mess? There is only one way. God’s judgment does not relent without repentance. God will continue to crumble this nation and bring us to our knees if we continue to murder and destroy the lives of innocent children in the womb. Nations do not get to just murder millions of innocent children and expect everything to continue on as normal. That’s not how the world works. God will give us over to our enemies if we won’t give our sins over to Him. We must confess our sins, and call upon Jesus Christ to have mercy on us. And if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness as the apostle says in 1 John. We are living in an insane and deluded time filled with great iniquity – but that is precisely why Jesus Christ came to earth – to be crucified for sinners and to die for the ungodly, to rise again from the dead on the third day, according to the Scriptures, and ascend into heaven where He sits now at the right hand of the Father. Jesus endured the fires of the wrath of God on the cross so that the very worst of sinners could be forgiven their sins, even a mother who has murdered her child can have her sins forgiven. Even an abortionist who has the blood of hundreds on his hands can have his sins forgiven. Even politicians who have legislated wickedness and partiality can have their sins forgiven. Nations who have shed innocent blood can repent and be restored. And Jesus Christ is alive today, seated in Heaven where He rules and reigns over all the earth continuing to advance His kingdom by His Spirit, and that gives us hope for today. Christ has not stopped working in the world to save sinners and transform the people of the earth, and He will not stop until the knowledge of the glory of the LORD fills the earth as the waters cover the sea (Hab. 2:14).
The Abolition of abortion is a work God, and that is the only way that it will be accomplished – by the power of the Holy Spirit through the preaching of the gospel and the application of God’s Word to all of life. This is why we must always use the Word of God when discussing these issues, because faith comes by hearing, and hearing the word of Christ (Rom. 10:17). We cannot accomplish this without the Spirit of God, so we must pray and preach, disciple and teach, and return unto the Lord that He may return unto us and restore us again.
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Spirit forever and ever and to Him belong dominion, amen.
Click HERE to view the live stream of the entire Abolition Rally event.
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