As it so happens I am a part of a group text with the fellas wherein we seek to motivate each other to workout, eat right, and be disciplined. I recently sent a text to try and add fuel to the boys’ workouts to help them get that extra rep in, and it just kept going and went quite longer than I originally intended. This went on so much so that I decided it might be fun to put it on the ole blog here. I doubt it will translate to this format the same, but maybe there is an old chap out there who could use a little motivation. Consider it a speech, a rally cry, a war cry, a call for all Christian men everywhere to get off their behinds and act like men. Consider it a call to deny your flesh, your cravings, those chemicals poisons, and worldly addictions you say you need. It is time to get strong, to lift weights, to get dangerous, to move, to harden and sharpen ourselves, to straighten our shoulders, strengthen our backs, lift up our heads, and walk this earth like gentle and mighty KINGS, striking fear into every beast and coward lurking in the shadows.
It has been a major error of the modern truncated-gospel-centrists to comfort and soothe the soft, weak, and effeminate modern male in his addictions, vices, and sins. Those sins of which I refer to are those that have to do with manly bodily discipline. What the truncated-centrist-socialist-gospel-onlyist have done has been effective fighting for the enemy, weakening Christian men, refusing to call them to a high standard of disciplined Christian living. These same hucksters then have turned around and shamed the men they have neutered and weakened for not being better men, which is what I call a cheap shot. What we need is a new breed of men who are thoroughly Christian again. Men who eat red meat, throw themselves on the mercy of God, and valiantly fight to obey Christ the King with a manly vitriol against the enemy. True gospel men who do not condemn a brother who falls, but in stride, calls him to get up again, pump out another rep, to live to die another day.
The point I am getting at that you will see more clearly a few words down is that the spiritual discipline of a man is not unrelated to the man’s discipline in general. The best way to be more disciplined in a certain area of your life is to be more disciplined in every area of life. This is in fact an important element of the Christian life. Without discipline all things become an idol and idolaters are weaklings. With discipline, all lawful things become tools, weapons, and advantages in the hand of the dominion taking Christian man. Now, to be sure, the necessary type of discipline for this task is Holy Ghost wrought discipline that comes from God. But when we confess the necessity of discipline and good works wrought by the Holy Spirit, we don’t mean that you sit on the couch eating potato chips and drinking soda waiting for the moment when you are magically transformed into an absolute unit. God didn’t make the world that way.
So what men must do is throw all of themselves upon the mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ alone. Then they must take all that Christ has given them and labor faithfully with it, without quitting. So for example, if a man is struggling with pornography and wants to defeat it, he of course ought to exercise every spiritual discipline, prayer, preaching the gospel, remembering the work of Christ for him, etc. But it also might be that he keeps failing in that area because he also gives his flesh a soda every time his flesh whines for it. He has trained himself to be undisciplined. It also might help his battle with lust if he trades an hour of T.V. watching for an hour of lifting weights and working out – because the next day after he works out, he won’t want to do it again, but he will need to learn to be in command of his bodily desires, and tell himself that he indeed will work out again, and do it. This is teaching himself to be disciplined to say “no” to his flesh. This is how you can become a dangerous man.
There is much more to be said but we will leave it for another time. So, enjoy…
MEN, brothers, absolute UNITS, Do NOT allow the fuel to run dry. Think of all the pedophile globalists who want to take your wife, eat your children, and leave you naked and poor in the streets. Prepare your mind and body with discipline for that day of war. Think of the Chinese Communist Party who wants to take your land and send you off to slave labor camps because they have successfully made you weak and docile through their weaponized poison American Chinese buffets, that their own people would never eat. Think of all the homoglobocorpos who hate you and want to turn you into a woman, that feed you greasy drug laced food that makes you fat and gay. Men, they have declared war on you, your mind, body, soul, your land, your family, your religion, your GOD, your way of life, everything. BUT THEY WILL NOT WIN, they are not ready for what is coming, we are bound and sealed by the Holy Spirit of God who frees us from the power and captivity of sin, addictions, laziness, weakness, and fleshly cravings. We are made into new creatures, men of WAR, men of absolute strength, yet with utmost self-control, restraint, and Christlike gentleness. The Meek shall inherit the earth, those with the strength of 10,000 lions but uses it only in care, protection, and love of others. The time to use it is upon us. Hone it in. Dial it in. Absolute unit time. LETS GOOOOOOOOOO!! THEY MAY HAVE what seems like all the resources, power, and guns the world could boast, but we have ALL THINGS in CHRIST, we have access to the GOD who owns the cattle on a thousand hills, the GOD who raises up reprobate giants who seem indestructible with the pride of all the earth, but such giants are raised TO FALL, to BE SLAIN, so fight and rejoice, ready your hands for war, be at peace with the God you will meet face to face…GOLIATH WILL FALL, FIGHT MEN FIGHT, WE ARE SEATED IN HEAVEN ALREADY, LETS GOOOOOOOOOO
And why not a little song to lift to:
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