I was recently reading John 1 v 29-51, saw some magnificent things, and now I have to write about it. So before you read this, read that passage to get some context on what I’m saying. Now that you’ve read the passage, let’s dive right in. v 29 begins with a massive theological statement from […]
A Blue Collar Gospel
Many Christians in America spend much of their week working. Working hard. Myself included. Work is good, but it is hard. It is hard mentally and physically. Our days are spent working and we go home at night and want to collapse. Just to get up the next day and do it again. Some work […]
The Gospel for Depraved Humanity
This post is essentially on the doctrine of the total depravity of man and the hope brought to him. The total depravity of man is not a culturally acceptable belief. Our culture wants us to believe that we are good people, with good hearts, and we can do great things. Some preachers have fell prey to […]
The Gospel for the Sexually Impure
We live in a culture where quite nearly everything is sexualized and over-sexualized. Sex is normal where we live. And not good sex as God created it to be in marriage – but every perverted form of that outside of marriage. All of that is normal. But to be normal is to join the masses […]
Of Divine Providence
The end of paragraph 5 in chapter 5, “Of Divine Providence”, in the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith, ends with the following sentence: “So that whatsoever befalls any of his elect by his appointment, for his glory and their good.” There are fewer sentences with as much power and comfort as this. The providence of […]