I recently listened to a lecture where the professor noted that only 9% of professing Christians live their lives according to a biblical worldview. While I am not sure on the complete accuracy of the statistic, I am sure that it is not far off. This is an epidemic. Too many Christians only see Christianity as a save card for the afterlife, out of hell and into heaven. We struggle understanding how the gospel impacts everything in our lives.
But the gospel is not just the story of personal salvation, it is the story of God’s plan for everything. Whether we understand it or not, every atom in existence is a part of the grand narrative God is telling.
In his book, The Story of Everything, Jared Wilson does a wonderful, yet simple job of explaining God’s plan, not just to redeem individuals, but his plan to redeem all of creation. Wilson writes on how God has a plan for everything. Everything from pets, movies, and recreation, to sex, evil, and death.
Wilson writes in such a way that a simple-minded, non-reader can grasp the grand themes of the gospel in all of life. At the same time, deep-thinking avid readers will have bursts of joy by marveling at the gospel chapter after chapter. One of the more needed things today is more Christians with a gospel-saturated biblical worldview. This is one such book that will help move us in that direction.
Throughout the book my mind continually thought of Hebrews 1:2, where it speaks of Christ being the heir of all things. As weighty a book of the bible as Hebrews is, Wilson truly gets across in a graspable way what it means that Christ is the heir of all things. In the most complimentary way, it is almost as if The Story of Everything is a more detailed version of The Jesus Storybook Bible, by Sally Lloyd-Jones (which is one of my favorite books).
For highlight quotes, search #StoryOfEverything on Twitter, where I tweeted quotes throughout my journey through the book.
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